#97: You Try And Slip Out Of Bed

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I'M BACK BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have missed you all so much you don't even know. But now I'm back and ready for action :) Don't ever stop leavng me the nice comments you usually leave me, so I'll thank you guys in advance. THANK YOU.

I hope at least some of you missed me :/ anywho, REMEMBER TO STAY BEAUTIFUL AND NEVER CHANGE. BE TRUE TO YOURSELFVES CAUSE ALL OF YOU ARE PERFECT JUST THE WAY YOU ARE. SO STAY AMAZAYN. I will be starting this book where I left off the last one, so PREFERENCE #97

Love Megz :D xxxxx


His arms tighten around your waist, tugging you back into your spot. "Don't leave me," he whispers in your ear, molding into the side of your body. "Stay with me? Stay longer?" You start to counter when you hear his gentle snores in your ear. It's no use, he's got you trapped.


"Baby," he whispers after letting out a whimper. "Why're you gonna leave me?" The disoriented Wolverhampton boy mutters, squinting his eyes in the morning light. "Just going to use the restroom. I'll be right back, go on back to sleep." He let's out another whimper and shakes his head. "Not until you come back." His arms loosen their grip. "Hurry, please?". "Of course, love." You promise, planting a kiss on his forehead.


"Ugh." Louis grunts as soon as you get up, his head lifts off the pillow a bit, eyes still closed and hand searching endlessly for you. "Don't go." He whispers, dropping his head back onto the pillow. "I'm just going to get a drink and use the restroom, love." You confirm, running your hand through his tangled fringe. "I'll be right back okay?". "Okay, I'll be right here ready to cuddle."


You don't even have the chance to sit up, his arm is so comfortably tight around you it's near impossible. "Come on, Ni." You soothe , pushing blonde strands of hair from his forehead. "Nuh-uh." You smile. "But I have to use the restroom." His arm let's you have a bit of room, but you still can't get out. "I don't want you to go." The Irish boy states with a pout on his pink lips. "I'll be five minutes." "Fine." He drawls, letting you go. "Will you hurry? I can't sleep without you." "Okay, I'll hurry."


He's such a heavy sleeper, it amazes you how he always knows when you get up. "Where are ya going?" He grumbles, tiredly sitting up on his forearms, catching your figure standing at the foot of the bed. "Sorry to wake you. I was just-" "Don't be sorry," he says with a hint of a smile in the darkness. "I'll just wait for you." You smile. "You don't have too, babe." "Can't sleep without you." He explains, popping his fingers before rolling back over.


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