"Liam," you whispered, clutching your robe closer to your body, "Please, keep your voice down. Ella's sleeping." "I DON'T CARE IF SHE IS," Liam was yelling at the top of his lungs, both of you engaged in a fight about his recent work patterns. "You're accusing me of being a bad father!" Liam's face was red and he manically moved to get closer in your face. "No," you whimpered, diverting your gaze from him, "I'm not. I'm just saying. Ella and I miss you. You're never home anymore, and I'd just like to see my husband." "Oh, don't give me that shit! You know how much of my job is outside of my control!" "I just don't see why you can't come home!" "I'LL TELL YOU WHY, WOMAN-" "Daddy?" Liam was cut off as a quiet voice peeped around the corner, your little daughter awoken by Liam's raised voice. "Why were you scaring mommy?" Her lip quivered and her big brown eyes, Liam's eyes, filled with tears. Liam ran to her, his countenance softening, and he scooped her up. "Daddy wasn't scaring mommy, daddy was just mad." "You shouldn't yell. I'm not allowed to yell in the house," Ella quipped. "You're right," he sighed, "Go back to bed. I need to say sorry to mommy now." Ella was satisfied with this answer and trotted back to bed. Liam slowly walked back through the kitchen over to you. "I love you," he murmured, "If that's still worth anything..." You wrapped your arms around him, "Of course it is." "Let's go to bed." "Yes, Mr. Payne. Let's."
"Niall, you're drunk!" You hissed. Niall had come home from some record label at around three in the morning, even though he promised to be home before eleven so you two could 'reconnect'. Niall was trying to climb into your shared bed, and you knew he was getting handsy. "You're on the couch," you snapped, trying to shove him out of the bed. "God, bitch!" Niall grunted, yanking your arm and pulling you out of bed straight onto the floor. You landed with a thud and a little whimper, recoiling on the floor. "DADDY!" You heard the little, shocked scream of your six year old, Rory, coming from the door. Niall looked at you, and then Rory, sobering up, "Oh god, no..." "I HATE YOU! YOU HURT MOMMY!" Rory ran from the door, and Niall sat back down on your bed, sobbing. You got off the floor, wincing at a few bruises that were undoubtedly forming, and went to get Rory. "Baby?" You called into his room, finding him in his closet. "It's not nice to hate anybody. Look, mommy's fine. Let's go apologize to daddy." "But he hurt you!" Rory cried. "I know," you sniffled, "But he apologized. You sometimes push your friends on the playground, and you apologize. Now you have to say you're sorry." Rory trotted back into your bedroom, and apologized to his father curtly, before running back to bed. You sighed wearily and crawled back into your own bed, ignoring Niall. You felt him move in the bed. "I... I am so sorry," he huskily whispered out, "I am a terrible father. But I've been an even worse husband." You sighed, turning to face him. "I forgive you. Now shut up and cuddle me damn it." Niall chuckled, laying down next to you, "Yes ma'am."
"Damn it, Y/N," Zayn yelled at you, "Why does it even matter to you? You're being so ridiculous!" You sat on the couch with your head in your hands while Zayn maniacally paced around the living room. There had been another cover story about Zayn cheating on you with Perrie, and while you were dating, you always disregarded those rumors. But you had a daughter now, and you were married. You didn't want Jael to have to face those rumors, she was twelve. "Because," you sighed, "I don't want to face these accusations. We're married, these rumors do so much more damage." "Shit," Zayn snarled, "Are you that worried about your image? That's rich. No one gives a shit about you. Who's the fucking popstar?" Zayn growled. "DAD," Jael yelled from the doorway, "Why are you talking to mom like that?!" She had tears in her eyes, she - and you - had never seen Zayn this way. "I hate you!" She snapped before running off to her room. You got up and chased after her, leaving Zayn in the living room. "Jael," you started, entering her room, "Don't say that about your father. He's a good man." Zayn had moved to outside Jael's door and was listening to you. "He can't talk to you that way, mom!" "I know," you sighed, "But you know how much I love your father. He has long days and works really hard. He gets frustrated every now and then. If he needs to snap at me, then that's okay." "No it's not," Jael sniffled. "It is," your lips were in a taunt line, "You'll apologize later." You left her room and ran smack into Zayn, who was bawling, "I am so sorry," he sobbed, "You're too good to me. I don't deserve you." You smiled, putting your head on his chest, giggling, "Just remember that and we'll be fine," you said with a wink. Zayn kissed your forehead and took you and Jael out to dinner that night, squashing all rumors.
"Please be quiet," you begged. "HELL NO," Louis was enraged, yelling at you and throwing things around. There had been a tabloid story about you cheating while Louis was on tour. "Are you crazy?" You hissed, you had been six months pregnant at the time the cheating rumors were published, there was no way it had happened. "Please," you were begging, "Tommy is asleep, it took me hours to get him to fall asleep. I don't want him to-" "OH LIKE I CARE!" Louis yelled even louder, in the direction of Tommy's room. A second later, the baby's piercing cries flooded the house. You were exhausted, having to take care of the two month old nearly by yourself, and you broke down into tears when you heard Tommy get up. You slowly moved into his room, picking him up and rocking him. Nearly half an hour later, when he was asleep, you shut the door to his room and stepped out - finding Louis sitting on the floor in the hallway. He jumped up and pushed you to his chest before you could react. "I'm so sorry," his voice cracked, "I've been an ass. I know you didn't cheat. And you've been taking care of this baby nearly alone..." You sniffled and tucked yourself further in Louis' warm body. "Come on," Louis whispered, "Let's go to bed. I'm home now." You didn't know how badly you needed to hear those words, and you simply agreed and cuddled up to Louis.
"Why are we even arguing?" You snapped at Harry. Harry had just gotten home from an eight month tour, and told you he was going out with the boys that night - again. The argument had only escalated, and now you were nearly in tears in your living room. "Oh, don't fucking cry," Harry hissed. "DADDY!" Your baby girl, Darcy, who was only five, was standing in the doorway. "That's a bad word!" Her big green eyes got full of tears, and Harry sank down to his knees. "Oh, Darc," he whispered, "You are right. I am so sorry." Darcy nodded, "You need to apologize to mommy," Darcy pointed to you and then ran off to go play. Harry looked up, only to see you wrapped up in a little ball, trying to muffle your sobs. It hit Harry, hard. "Oh god," he moved to you on the couch, pulling you into his lap, "I don't know what I was thinking. I'm an ass. I love you so much. So much." "I," sob, "miss," sob, "you," sob, "so much. When you're gone. I want to be with you, hold you again. I want you to see Darcy. That's all." Harry wrapped his arms around you, squeezing even harder. "You have every right to want that, and more. I'm so sorry. Forgive me?" You grinned, leaning your head on his shoulder, "Yes." "Good," he smiled, "Now... to make it up to you, do you think Darcy wouldn't mind sleeping over at the Payne house? Because we could use a night to catch up."

One Direction Preferences
FanfictionI saw a lot of these on other sites and tumblr and I decided to add them for Wattpad readers :) some are inspired from tumblr and other sites and some are FROM tumblr (NOT ALL MINE!!!!!!!) and some are written by MOI. I try to write as much as I can...