"We're on for another drinking contest Y/N...I refuse to lose to you." Niall said with a playful glare and Louis shook his head. "Nah she can't drink mate." Louis said encircling his arm around your waist and Niall's brow rose. "Why not? You know you're my drinking partner." He lips turning into a slight frown. You let out a small chuckle as Louis' hand unconsciously rubbed your stomach. "She can drink with you in what? 7 months." Louis said shrugging his shoulder, his eyebrows furrowed. "It's 7 months right?" He asked peering down at you and you nodded. "But..." "She's pregnant mate. Drinking isn't good for the baby." Louis said laughing a bit, "I thought you would have gotten that already." With a shake of his head as a smile grew on Niall's lips and he engulfed the two of you in a hug. "I feel like I'm more happy than you two at the moment..." Niall mumbled still holding you in the embrace.
Liam picked up the sippy cup with a confused expression on his face, "Do you not have regular sized cups?" He questioned his eyes raking over the two of you. "Wait...why do you even have sippy cups there's no kids here?" He said scratching the back of his head a bit as his eyes darted to your stomach. "Are there any kids here?" He asked bringing the sippy cup to his lips and drinking out of it. "Just one." Niall said with a grin playing on his lips as his eyes made their way over to you. "Well where is it mate? I man I think I would have noticed you being pregnant Y/N..." His voice trailed on and his eyes traveled down to your stomach. "Oh...you're pregnant." He said placing the cup back on the table smiling at the two of you. "I don't know why I didn't figure that out." Liam said picking up his little purple sippy cup and drinking from it. "Do you know what you're having? Or is it too soon? Because I'm really excited for this little baby." Liam said grinning at the both of you.
"She's got buns in the oven." Louis mumbled as leaned over the kitchen counter, his eyes focused on the oven. "Did you just put them in?" Niall asked leaning against the kitchen doorframe. "We're starving here." Louis whined a pout taking over his lips as he watched you preparing dinner. "You invited us to dinner to feed and tell us some big news...and we've got nothing yet." Louis continued resting his head on the counter a groan slipping through his lips. "You've already mentioned it earlier Lou..." Liam said popping his head into the kitchen a smile on his lips. "What does she have in the oven?" Liam questioned looking between the boys. "Buns." Niall said dully as his stomach growled once more. Liam pointed to your stomach with a smile on his face, "She's got a bun in the oven..." He said softly as you smiled back at him while the boys' eyes widened. "Seriously?" Louis asked and you nodded only to be pulled into a hug. "Congratulations...oh my god." Louis said happily.
Doniya giggled as she caught sight you making your way into the living room in the shirt she'd made. "It looks good." She grinned pulling you into a quick hug before you went to speak to the guys. "Where can I get a shirt like this?" Harry asked a widened smile on his lips as he read over your shirt. "What does that even mean anyway?" He asked draping his arm over your shoulder as he stared down at you confused. "I have a pea in the pod." He mumbled trying to figure it out. He glanced up over at Zayn, his shirt slightly similar to yours. "Am I missing something?" Harry asked scratching the back of his head. "Harry you're a bit slow." Zayn said jokingly and Harry frowned. "They've already figured it out...you're the last one." Zayn walked over and ruffled Harry's hair a bit. "I'm pregnant Harry...get it...pea in the pod." You said motioning to your tummy and his face brightened. "Ooh I get it now. You're the pod and the baby's the pea." He said happily.
You smiled up at Harry after you handed out the little gifts you distributed to the boys. The two of you watched the boys pull out the little gifts out of their bags. Zayn's eyes widened as he read over the inscription on the teddy bear he had. "I love my Uncle." He read aloud his eyes trailing over to the two of you. "So what? You two are pregnant?" He asked the corners of his lips turning up. "Well she's pregnant...I'm just going to be a daddy." Harry said excitedly and the boys hopped up pulling the both of you into their arms. "We're going to be uncles, lads." Zayn said smiling at each of them. "Another piece to our little family." He continued his eyes trained on your stomach after pulling away from your embrace. "This is pretty exciting." Liam said under his breath. "I hope you know we're kidnapping this baby for the most part." Niall said with a grin pulling at his lips.

One Direction Preferences
FanfictionI saw a lot of these on other sites and tumblr and I decided to add them for Wattpad readers :) some are inspired from tumblr and other sites and some are FROM tumblr (NOT ALL MINE!!!!!!!) and some are written by MOI. I try to write as much as I can...