This chapter is dedicated to those people who actually took 2mins of their time to post a comment (or more than one comment - you know who you are :p) on my last chapter :) thank you soooooo much, it meant the world to me :) I know I said I wasn't going to post if I don't get at least 7 comments but I couldn't let down those who did :D
So once again thank you SOOOOO FUDGIN' MUCH, because of you guys who commented, I realized how some of you actually look forward to these preferences and I'm glad I make some of you happy by posting them ;D
Wuv u cupcakes, Megz xxxx, now back to the preferences :)
PS. I just realized I didn't even last a day without posting :p
"Y/N please!" he cries out in a cracked, desperate voice, "Don't go! Don't go!" You pull your suitcase to the front door as its wheels clack on the cold floor, ringing through the empty house. He'd sprung up from the couch once he caught sight of your red and tear-streaked face and the black suitcase in your grasp. "Harry, I-I need to get away for a while." you say, reaching for the doorknob. He clutches your wrist as he crumples to the ground. "Please don't go." he says as he brings your hand to his face. "I need you, Y/N. I need you." You bite your lip and try not to crumble. "Harry I can't stand seeing you out with a different girl every night. How can I trust you?" He lifts his wet eyes and looks at you in confusion as he stands. "How can you trust me?" he sniffles. "You can trust me by knowing that all of the other girls don't matter to me. They could throw themselves at me and I wouldn't bat an eye. You know why?" he takes both of your hands in his. "Because they're not you. I'm sorry."
You slam your hands down on the kitchen counter, making the plates on it shake. "Great Zayn, fucking great." you mumble tensely as you stomp through the house, leaving Zayn in the kitchen. "What's wrong?" he asks, trying to follow you. "What's wrong?" you snap, "I'll tell you what's wrong! You haven't been home at all in the past month! I get that you're busy, I really do, but when your wife makes you dinner and spends all night waiting up for you..." "Y/N you know it wasn't my fault. I would have been here if I could." You chuckle and shake your head. "Zayn I don't know if I can't deal with this anymore." Zayn's brow crinkles and his lips part, as if he's about to say something. He blinks. "Please don't say that." he says earnestly. You turn to go back to your room, but Zayn's in front of you in an instant, his arms gripping your shoulders desperately. "If you really want to leave, then you can leave." he says, "But I'll do better. I promise. Y/N. You're what matters most in the world to me, and if you're not happy then I'm not happy. I'll do whatever it takes for you. I'm sorry."
"Come on, Y/N, no one's around..." Niall mumbles in your ear, biting gently at your earlobe. Despite the shivers Niall's touch send down your spine, you can barely keep awake. He had come to get you at the airport at 3 am, and was dropping your jetlagged self off at home. You shove Niall gently back as you groan. "Niall no I'm tired..." you mumble. "Oh come on Y/N. I've missed you so much..." Niall replies, reaching back over the middle divide of the car to you. He reaches down to your chest before you swat him away. "Niall stop!" you shout. Niall freezes. You groan and unbuckle your seatbelt, quickly shuffling out of the seat. As you slam the door, you mutter to him "Thanks for driving me." you march to your door, but before you can reach it, Niall's behind you, your bags in hand. "You left these." he says, quietly setting them down as he backs up. "I know you're tired and I should have respected that. I just missed you so much, that's all. But no means no. I'm sorry."
"We've decided to...extend the tour for a little while longer." Louis mumbles into the phone. "How long is a little while longer?" you ask tentatively. Louis pauses before muttering "4 months." You nearly drop the phone. "4 months?!" you gasp, "Lou I've gone without you for nearly a year now, I can't this. I can't put my life on hold when you're not here! I can't wait for you anymore." You hear Louis sigh into the phone. "But isn't that what love is?" he asks. You laugh once. "No. Love is a two-way street Louis. And it's obvious now that you don't understand that. Goodnight." you hang up the phone and crawl into the empty bed where Louis should be, exhausted from the long day but wide awake from the argument. Before you even close your eyes, you hear your phone ring Louis' personalized ringtone. You roll your eyes and shut off your phone. The next day, you wake up and turn on your phone as you sip on some coffee. A notification reading 14 new voicemails pops up. You dial voicemail and listen to the first one. "Y/N," Louis' voice says, "Please call me. Please. We need to talk." You delete it and go on to the next one. It's Louis again. As you move on, you realize each one is Louis urging you to call him or talk to him. Finally you reach the last one. "Y/N." Louis murmurs, fatigue obviously in his voice. "It's clear that you don't want to speak to me right now, but I want you to know that I do love you. I'll make this work. We'll make this work somehow. I miss you. And I'm sorry."
"You...can't go out with him tonight!" Liam orders tensely, his arms crossed as he stands in the doorway. "I can and I will. You're not the boss of me." you respond, putting on your sparkly earrings. "I haven't seen him in a long time, and I'm-" "You're what, Y/N? You're desperate to get away? Desperate to see your ex, rather than your husband?! Is that it?!" Liam's anger continues to bubble up, his fists clenched as he blocks your path. "Liam move!" you say, "It's just an old friend, I promise! Stop being so idiotic!" Liam rolls his eyes. "You promise? Yeah, you make a lot of promises, Y/N. And you're not going." You shove him to the side while muttering out a "fuck you" and slamming down the stairs, eager to escape the sudden infuriating jealousy of your husband. You hear him follow you down the stairs. "Y/N wait!" he calls out as you grab your purse and head out to the sidewalk. He catches you as you climb into your car. "Y/N you're right." he says, "I'm just a jealous idiot that gets way too protective over his gorgeous wife. I'm sorry."

One Direction Preferences
FanfictionI saw a lot of these on other sites and tumblr and I decided to add them for Wattpad readers :) some are inspired from tumblr and other sites and some are FROM tumblr (NOT ALL MINE!!!!!!!) and some are written by MOI. I try to write as much as I can...