Harry stands still, mouth agape as he sees your two-year-old daughter wearing his Ramones T-Shirt, tugging a grey beanie over her head. "What are you doing baby?" Harry asks, kneeling down in front of his angel. "Dada clothes" she hums, throwing her hands up for Harry to pick her up. "Well, it think you look like a little rockstar" he confirms, picking her up swiftly." She smiles widely, before placing a soft kiss on his cheek with Harry returning the gesture. "Thanks Dada. Love you" she smiles as Harry sets her down. "I love you too baby girl" he replies as she runs off to play in her room.
"Daddy, Daddy! Come look" you son calls from upstairs. Liam quickly flies up the staircase, obviously thinking something bad happens, but soon smiles wide seeing his little man wearing his blue and black button up plaid shirt. "What have you been up to?" Liam laughs as his son struggles with the buttons. "I wanted to be like you Daddy" your son protested. "Don't you think it's a bit big for you bud?" Liam asks, reaching out to get him out of the shirt. "No! I'm a big boy, it fits" he argued, frowning. "I'm sorry buddy. You're right, it's a perfect fit" he smiles, trekking into the closet to wear a matching one.
Your daughter, who recently turned four just seems to turn more into a mini Louis each and every day. One day she pokes her head in the room, smiling evil at the both of you. "What have you gotten up to now?" Louis asks your little trouble maker of a daughter. "Nothing. I just look like daddy" she smiles, trudging into the room with suspenders and red Toms dangling loosely, stretching her navy blue suspenders which are hanging loosely off her shoulders. She climbs up on your bed, snuggling up to Louis, letting out a deep yawn. "How about we take a nap and after we'll go shopping for a pair of your own. "Really?" She asked, eyes glowing. Louis nods and he snuggles closer to his baby.
Your twin three year old boys, idolized Niall since their birth and it doesn't surprise any of you when they start to steal Niall's things. "Ok guys it's time for your bath" Niall shouts running the water. They're usually racing to the bathroom as they love to splash into the water but this time, neither of them show up. Niall walks into their rooms instantly starting to laugh his head off at the sight of his kids. One of them is wearing his white Supra's and the other is wearing one of his many SnapBack's. "Guys, you have to take them off, it's time to take a bath" he smiles, removing his belongings off the both of them. They instantly start protesting, refusing to take them off. "No. We wanna look like you" one mumbles, "Yeah, and you don't take them off" the other finishes. "But I do when I take a bath. How about we make a deal. If you get cleaned up, I'll take you shopping tomorrow for Supra's and a SnapBack of your own and I'll let you each keep one of mine" he says. They shake their daddy's hand, speeding off to the bath, excited for tomorrow. Niall smiles at his boys, trudging right after them.
When you went out one night, your little girl got really cold so Zayn let her wear his leather jacket to keep her warm till you got home. After that event, your little girl kept the jacket, never taking it off, running around the house with it, growing more attached to it as time passes. As she got ready for bed, Zayn wore this jacket to go to an event that night but your daughter stopped him before her father went any further. "Daddy. My jacket" she mumbles, eyes glossy as she tugged on the sleeve for him to return it. Zayn could never resist those eyes so he swiftly removes it, placing over her shoulders. "If you like it so much, you can keep it" he smiles, kissing her foreheads gently. 'Thank you daddy. I promise I take good care of it" she promises, looking pinkies with her father, snuggling more into the jacket hanging loosely over her shoulders. Zayn grabs her and takes her to her room, tucking her cosily in bed with the jacket close to her tired body. Zayn switches off the lights, grabbing another jacket for tonight, shaking his head in laughter at his precious rockstar princess.
Niall and Zayn's are pretty long compared to the others but I couldn't resist. Niall and Zayn are my Favorites so I went all out on the preference, but the others are still CRAZY CUTE :O
Please comment and tell me what you think.

One Direction Preferences
FanficI saw a lot of these on other sites and tumblr and I decided to add them for Wattpad readers :) some are inspired from tumblr and other sites and some are FROM tumblr (NOT ALL MINE!!!!!!!) and some are written by MOI. I try to write as much as I can...