You were sleeping peacefully against Zayn's chest. His heart was beating steadily, chest rising and eyes fully closed. You were in light sleep when someone poked your shoulder. "Mommy?" you heard a voice and turned around to see your three years old son. His eyes were full of tears and he pressed his teddy bear against his blue pyjamas "What's wrong, boo?" you asked lifting him to your arms. Zayn opened his eyes to look at you two. He sat up, seeing his son upset, was something he hated. "Buddy... Don't cry," Zayn said softly and hugged you both tightly. "I can't sleep, daddy. There's something in my closet," he said small voice shaking. You kissed his forehead knowing that scaring monsters, was Zayn's job. "Daddy will take care of monsters," Zayn said and your son's eyes went wide. "You can't daddy, what if there's something dangerous?" he was worried when he looked at his daddy. You smiled hugging him tightly. "Don't worry buddy, daddy won't get hurt," you said and kissed your son's cheek. Zayn laughed kissing your cheek before pulling his son to his arms, "Let's go, big boy." "Good night mommy," your little boy said sleepily. "Good night babe, mommy loves you," you responded smiling to your boys. "I love you too," he said pressing his head to Zayn's chest. Ten minutes later Zayn came back. He snuggled to your arms and pressed a kiss to your lips. "He's sleeping," he said and closed his eyes. "You're amazing father, you know?" You said smiling in the darkness. "I love you and him more than anything," he said pulling you closer to his heart.
You placed your groceries to the counter. You had been away few hours to do some grocery shopping and Harry was in home with your four years old daughter. "Harry?", you yelled, "Darcy?" No one answered so you shrugged walking to Darcy's room. You heard noises before you opened the door bursting into giggles at the sight. Harry was sitting in Darcy's pink room. He had tiara on his head and his big hands were around a small plastic tea cup. Around him there was dozens of stuffed animals wearing tiaras as well. You smiled when your little daughter sat next to Harry, she was wearing a pink princess dress. Her curls were bouncing up and down, just like Harry's. "You're doing it wrong!" Darcy said pouting. Her sad face was too much to Harry. "I'm holding this wrong? I'm sorry Darc, daddy is a bad princess," he said kissing your girl's cheek. She smiled and reached to her dad's big hands, pulling his pinky. "You need to lift this daddy, that's what princesses do," she said smiling and Harry lifted his pinky, making his little girl laugh. "Daddy, is it true that you and my uncles have met the Queen?" She asked looking at her dad with serious eyes. You smiled at the doorway and looked at Harry. They didn't see you. "Yes it is. Daddy actually has met two Queens. The Queen of England and your mommy," He said and you could see Darcy's eyes got wide, "Is mommy Queen?" You laughed quietly but they didn't hear. "Yes she is, and that makes you, a princess!" Harry said picking up your daughter and kissing his cheek, making her giggle.
You sat next to the pool in your back yard. Louis was in pool with your five year old son. He was swimming around with his red swimming duck floaties, trying to go as fast as his daddy. Louis took him in his arms and twirled around the cold water. Your son giggled making waves and splashes. Louis laughed placing his son in his arms. "Daddy?" Your son asked thoughtfully, his small forehead full of wrinkles. "Yes Noah," Louis answered looking at his son's confused face. "How come you and I don't have to wear bikini tops?" his voice was full of concern. He looked up straight to his father's identical eyes. You looked at them smiling, putting your magazine away so you could hear what your husband was going to answer. "Well Noah, mom has bigger boobs than we do," Louis said without hesitation, "If she doesn't use bikini tops, her boobs will hurt." Your son looked confused again. He twirled his small fingers around the white ribbon hanging loose of his swimming trunks. You tried to muffle your giggles so he wouldn't get embarrassed. "But why don't mommy just use Band-Aid then?" he asked and made Louis laugh a little. "That's a different kind of hurt, Noah," you said smiling and your son looked at you smiling a little. "Like this?" Noah asked twitching Louis' nipple. Louis laughed tickling your son until he was breathless. "Yes, just like that," You said making Louis laugh.
Liam sipped his orange juice, sitting next to you. His other hand was on your thigh, rubbing it lightly. You sat outside in your yard, watching your three years old girl playing with her doll. She put her doll in to pram, wiggled around the yard giggling. You both looked at her in awe, you couldn't possibly love something more than her. She stopped when her doll's blanket dropped to the ground. She bend to reach the blanket with her small hands. "She's so cute," Liam said happily and smiled to you. He had just come home from tour and couldn't get enough of his girls. You agreed watching how she ran with her short baby feet. "Babe, slow down please," you shouted to her, but too late. She had fell down to the ground, tripping in her own feet. Liam stood up and ran to pick his baby up. She cried against his chest, tears falling down her brown eyes. "Sssh, baby girl, it's okay. Daddy's got you," Liam said soothingly and carried her inside. You smiled at Liam, he loved to take care of his girl. He cleaned a small wound on your baby's knee before kissing it lightly. Your girl giggled through her tears. Liam smiled placing a Hello Kitty band-aid to the cut. "All good, love," He said taking your girl outside again. She ran to show her new band aid to you. "That's beautiful, love, did daddy put that? Say thank you to your daddy," you said smiling. "Thank you dada, I love you," she said with her small voice before running to continue her playing.
He sat on the couch with your twin boys while you were making dinner. TV was on, important football game making all your boys excited. The twins were only four, but Niall had taught them to love football. All three sat on the couch, eyes on the screen. Boys didn't understand much, but it was fun, how they copied everything Niall did. Every time Niall cheered, your sons threw their hands to the air and shouted as loud as their dad. You giggled watching them lovingly. Your boys were just like Niall, outside and inside. They had their dad's brown hair, deep blue eyes anpassion to food and football. "Oh jeez!" Niall shouted when his favourite team missed a goal. "Oh jheez!" two little voices repeated immediately, making you and Niall both laugh. You smiled before going to your laundry room to finish up some laundry. When you came back to living room, all the boys were fast asleep. The boys' heads were on their dad's chest, all sleeping peacefully. Football shirts wrinkled, little tiny hands squeezing their dad's shirt, boys were the cutest thing you had ever seen. You smiled sitting down to watch them for a while. Niall woke up first, his hair was messy when he looked around to see his sons curled up to his chest. He smiled at you before kissing his sons. "They are just like you, so cute," you giggled leaning to press a kiss to his lips. He laughed quietly looking at his sleeping miracles. "But they can't stay awake through the football game, that's from you," Niall teased pulling you beside all your loved boys.

One Direction Preferences
FanficI saw a lot of these on other sites and tumblr and I decided to add them for Wattpad readers :) some are inspired from tumblr and other sites and some are FROM tumblr (NOT ALL MINE!!!!!!!) and some are written by MOI. I try to write as much as I can...