Comment if you are one of those obsessed fans like me, that literally checks every 5mins to see if the author updated their favorite story :)
Megz xxx
"What's the best thing about your lovely lady?" the interviewer asks, leaning forward as the camera pans in on Harry. A lack of sleep and dehydration have made him a little slower than usual and as he thinks on the question, he doesn't realize how much time is passing. "Anything at all?" the interviewer jokes and the boys have gone from joking about it to uncomfortable. "She's... great" he says simply, eyes unfocused and Louis drops his head forward because he knows how this will end. "YOU SAID... SHE'S GREAT??? AFTER A THREE MINTUE PAUSE! HARRY, it sounds like there's nothing to me," you cry into the phone that night, frustrated and embarrassed that it had taken him so long to answer a simple question.
Liam is following behind you in a trendy New York store, glancing over items you bypass and trying to offer opinions when asked. He stands back as you search through a rack of dresses, checking the tags until you find your size as a group of girls wanders over in awe that Liam Payne is so close to them. You hold it up to him for his opinion, holding it against your body and Liam blurts out the first thing that comes to mind. "Is that appropriate for outside the bedroom?" he asks, scanning the short dress and plunging neckline and your face blushes as the girls start to snicker. You drop everything you had been carrying and rush from the store, more embarrassed than you'd ever been.
You're lounging on the couch, flipping through the channels. You're on Christmas break and so far, you've done nothing. There's a bag of chips on the table, popcorn on the couch beside you, and a bottle of orange soda on the floor by your feet when Niall walks in to your apartment. "Have you been there all day?" He questions with a laugh, bending down to press a kiss to your lips. "Damn right I have," you smile, wigging your eyebrows and Niall chuckles. "Sexy yoga pants," he laughs once you've stood to walk into the kitchen. "@nialloffical: hey babe, I like that underwear you're wearing" he tweets out, complete with an attached picture of you in your yoga pants... torn seam and hot pink, cheetah print underwear showing.
"@Louis_Tomlinson: hey @jhutch1992 I found my girlfriend screaming your name while she watched one of your movies today.I should warn you she has a crush..major." He tweets out. "It's a damn good thing he doesn't ever get on Twitter," you tell Louis once you find out what he had said. "Well he can't say I didn't warn him about you, you know if you ever start stalking him or something" he says with a cheeky smile as you roll your eyes and walk away. About an hour later you hear Louis's very loud laugh coming from the bedroom. "Your Prince replied!" He shouts. Your eyes widen as you run to the bedroom. "Take a look," he says laughing and turning the laptop in your direction. "@jhutch1992: @Louis_Tomlinson oh no. keep an eye on her. I can't handle another stalker haha" "My over," you say as you fall on the bed. "You just had to go and run your mouth!" You say with your face in the comforter. "Awe, it's alright. Everyone deserves to know if someone fancies them," he explains, still very cheekily. "I hate you," you say, ready to smother yourself out of embarrassment.
You're sitting, absolutely bored out of your mind, as your Spanish professor explains what is going to be on the final. You're only brought out of your boredom by the loud knock at the door. Your professor walks over to the door and your eyes lock on it wondering who was on the other side. Once the door is opened five very familiar faces enter their classroom. Louis holds a giant old-school boom box on his shoulders as the boys mime the words to 'What Makes You Beautiful' which sounds to be some sort of gangster rap remix. They run ramped through the classroom as all of your classmates laugh hysterically at their ridiculous actions. Zayn jumps up on the professor's desk which just so happened to be in front of your desk to serenade you. "What the hell are you doing?" You ask him, gritting your teeth with your eyes wide open. He doesn't answer, just continues to mime the words. Once the song is over, the boys say nothing. They stop what they're doing, jump down from the desks, and put the room back together before exiting, again without a word. Your head falls straight onto your desk as you shake your head back and forth.

One Direction Preferences
FanfictionI saw a lot of these on other sites and tumblr and I decided to add them for Wattpad readers :) some are inspired from tumblr and other sites and some are FROM tumblr (NOT ALL MINE!!!!!!!) and some are written by MOI. I try to write as much as I can...