A/N: (Y/F/N) stands for, Your Friends Name. Hope you liked them. xx- PS.
I had just gotten back from the studio after a long day, as I pulled into my driveway I saw that Y/N's car was here. I was so happy that she was here because today was a little stressful. " I told you I'm whispering cause Harry could be home any minute." I was confused who was Y/N on the phone to? "OK, so what happened was we were just sitting at my place watching T.V and I was leaning on him and I looked up realized that I love him.........Yes I really do love him.......No I haven't told him.........Well, what am I meant to say, Hey Harry, guess what? I love you!" "I love you too." Y/N was shocked she dropped her phone and stood there her cheeks going red; I could tell she was embarrassed. So I walked up to her and gave her a passionate kiss because I am truly, madly and deeply in love her.
I was hanging at Y/N's place today, just laying around and talking and stuff. Her phone rang so she answered it and went into another room to talk which I thought was weird because she had never done that before. So I followed her and she had closed the door so I put my ear to it and tried to listen. "Oh my gosh, are you serious? It can't be true.........Really? Wow she moves on fast." Who was she talking about? "Yeah we're good........ Maybe, maybe not?" Who is she talking about now? "Well he's sweet, kind, funny, mysterious, trustworthy and just amazing......... yeah I think I may have found the one....... Stop with the awww's........No I haven't told him I think he's the most amazing guy and I think he's the one.........Because that sounds a little creepy." Y/N was talking about me, she thinks I'm the one. This is amazing. I opened the door, run up to her and said "I feel the same way I love you with all my heart." "What the hell Zayn you were listening the whole time?" "Maybe, but I love you and feel the same way. Isn't that the most important thing here?" "Fine I'll let this go but only because you said I love you."
I was driving to Y/N's house to pick her up for dinner, tonight I was going to tell her I love her. I was so nervous. When I got to her house I knocked on the door, when she answered she was on the phone. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and let me in. "Sorry Liam, it's my mum" she said pointing at her phone. "It's alright love." "I'll be down in a minute" Y/N jogged up the stairs and I sat down on her lounge. It had been 15 minutes, and Y/N was still up stairs on the phone, if we didn't leave now we would miss our reservation. So I walked up stairs and heard her talking "I don't know I'm really nervous, I mean what if he doesn't feel the same way and I make a fool out of myself?......... yeah but what if he doesn't?........... I really want to do it tonight but I don't think I can...............Yes of course I really do love him.............I really do love him." Oh my gosh she just said she loves me, she loves me. This is great, fantastic, amazing. I knocked on the door "Y/N, umm sorry to interrupt but we kinda need to go or we are going to miss our reservation." "sure Liam I'll be right out." As soon as she opened the door I kissed her and she wrapped her arms around my neck and I snaked my arms around her waist. I pulled away from the kiss just enough to whisper "I love you." She kissed me again "I love you too Liam."
Today Y/N and I went to the beach and we had so much fun but she was texting the whole time but it didn't really bother me. Y/N was having a shower and her phone kept going off it was really annoying me so got her phone to put it on silent but saw it said message from Harry. I was curious why Harry had text her? Was it Harry she was texting all day? So I unlocked her phone to see what the text said; Harry: all I'm saying is that you should really tell him, I mean he feels the same way, he doesn't shut up about you. All I hear is 'she so amazing and I love her, but I don't know if she loves me' to be honest its getting annoying so now that you know he feels that same way please tell him so he doesn't have to tell me he loves you and he can actually say it to you. "Louis what are you doing with my phone?" "Ummm......I.....it.....sorry." Y/N grabbed the phone off me and read the message, she looked up "I-is this t-true, Louis?" I couldn't speak so I nodded my head and looked at the ground. She walked over to me, lifted my head and kissed me. It was the most passionate kiss I had ever had. She pulled away from the kiss then slapped me in the face."That's for going through my texts." "I didn't mean to go through them but your phone kept going off so I was gonna turn it on silent but I saw Harry's name and I wondered why he texted you and then I saw the massage and..... I'm sorry..........But I really do love you." "I love you too."
Y/N and I were at my place watching movies and eating. "Babe I'm gonna go make a snack do you want one?" "Is that a trick question?" "Ha ha I'll take that as a yes." Y/N went into the kitchen, it was about 3 minutes after she left her phone rang. "Niall, who is it?" "It's Y/F/N" "Can you answer it for me?" "Sure." I answered the phone and before I could even say hello Y/F/N yelled "HAVE YOU TOLD NIALL THAT YOU LOVE HIM YET?!" "Ummm......This is Niall. "Shit! Forget what I just said OK?" "Is it true? Does she?" "I have no idea what you're talking about." "Come on Y/F/N just tell me." "Fine, it's true but please don't tell her that I told you she will kill me." "It's OK it's our little secret." I hung up and put Y/N's phone down. "What did she want?" "Ah she said something about nails and to call her back." "OK." "She also asked me a question." "What was this question?" "Well she asked me if I love you. Why would she ask that?" "I have no idea; I might have to have a talk to her about that." "Well do you want to know what I told her?" I scooted closer to her but I didn't get an answer. So I lent closer to her and whispered "Well I said that's none of her business, but for the record I do love you." After saying the last part I kissed the spot just below her ear. "Y-Y-you do?" "Of course I do" "I-I love you too."

One Direction Preferences
FanfictionI saw a lot of these on other sites and tumblr and I decided to add them for Wattpad readers :) some are inspired from tumblr and other sites and some are FROM tumblr (NOT ALL MINE!!!!!!!) and some are written by MOI. I try to write as much as I can...