#82: You Can't Stop Sneezing

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"Bless you..... Bless you! Bless you....." He stops to chuckle before you continue with your sneezing fit.. A few sneezes later you stop and he leans over to kiss you. "Better?" You smile before nodding your head.


"Oh dear! Bless you! Bless you! Bless you, Bless you, Bless you! God bless you from that terrible sneeze." Liam gives you a grin before kissing your forehead.


"Bless - Bless Yo - Bless - Bless - Bless you!" He finally gets out after you sneeze five or six times. "Are you getting sick babe? If you are, I'll run to the market and pick you up some medicine." You shake you head before kissing his cheek. "I'm fine but thank you."


"You're really cute when you sneeze! Because like your nose crinkles up like a little bunny and you're just..... bless you!" Laughing you sneeze a final time before smiling at him. "Thanks."


"Bless you!" He calls once you final get through with your sneezing fit, just as you're about to say thank you, he starts sneezing. "You got me sick already!" He accuses playfully. "I'm...kidding." He says in between sneezes.

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