"Y/N. Y/N." Liam's grumbling made your eyes flutter open. "What is it Li?" You whispered, your voice strained from sleep. "I don't feel good." He whispered, the sound of his voice reminding you of a five year old boy instead of a nineteen year old one. You rolled over, a little more awake now, your eyes widened once you saw the sweat on Liam's forehead and his drench t-shirt. You sat up quickly and placed your hand on his forehead. "Liam, you're burning up." You said, and Liam groaned. "Y/N. Make it stop." He begged, tears tugging at his eyes. "Baby what hurts?" You asked. "Everything Y/N. Make it stop." He begged again, and you slipped out of bed despite his pleads for you to come back. You went downstairs and got a glass full of water, two aspirin, and some cough syrup just in case he started coughing. You came back into the room, Liam curled into a ball. "Liam, baby, can you take these for me?" You asked, rubbing his back. He managed to sit up and take the aspirin and the glass of water. "Take your shirt off for me sweetheart." You whispered, Liam shook his head and laid back down on the pillow. "Li, please." You whispered again and he groaned. "You do it." He whispered, laying his arms by his sides, you frowned and took his shirt off for him. You then went into the bathroom and threw his shirt into the hamper and got a cold washcloth, when you came back Liam was asleep but it was fitful, he would twitch and shiver. You crawled back into the bed and placed the cloth to Liam's head and held him for the rest of the night.
You closed your eyes tighter when you felt that the bathroom light had come on, you turned over knowing it was just Harry but sat back up when you heard him puking. "Harry?" You called out, rubbing your right eye. "I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to wake you." He called back before puking again. You came into the bathroom and leaned in the doorway. "Love, what's wrong? Was it something you ate?" You asked, coming over and rubbing his back slowly. He sighed, resting against the toilet seat. "I don't know kitten, it could be the stomach flu." He whispered, you sighed. "Is there anything I can do?" You asked, continuing to draw circles on his back. He shook his head. "Just stay with me?" He asked, looking at you sadly with his green eyes. You nodded. "I'll go get a blanket." You whispered, leaving the room only to hear Harry vomit once more. You came back in with two blankets, one for him and one for you just in case you fell asleep.
"Princess... are you awake?" Niall asked into the darkness, making you grumble. "I am now." You had always been such a light sleeper.
"I'm sorry... it's just my head is killing me." He whispered, moving over making you wrap you arm around him as he buried his head in your chest. "And my boobs are going to make it go away?" You asked, smirking to yourself. "Hush and love me." He whispered, and you tightened your grip on him. "Why don't I go get you some aspirin?" You whispered a couple minutes later, hearing him groan.
"Please." He whispered, moving away from you and you got up stumbling into your bathroom for your medicine cabinet. You got the aspirin and a small paper cup with water. "Here you go baby," You whispered, handing it to him. He took the pills uneasily and swallowed them with water. He put his head back down on the pillow and you crawled back into bed with him, letting him cuddle up against you as much as he wanted.
You jolted awake when Louis let out a loud cough next to you. "I'm sorry, I was trying to hold that in." He said sheepishly, groaned and placing his hand to his forehead. "Why are you coughing?" You asked, half asleep. "I think I'm just coming down with a little cold is all." He shrugged it off, you sat up a little bit. "Do you want some tea?" You asked, already pulling the covers off of you. Louis sighed.
"Babe you don't have to get anything for me. I'll be fine." He protested but you already started out the door and down to the kitchen. You came back up several minutes later with a cup of hot tea and some cough syrup, Louis scrunched his nose when he saw the cough syrup. "You've gotta take some Lou." You said, already preparing the spoon when he whined. "Louis." You whispered, managing to get him to take some and then quickly drink some tea to get the taste out of his mouth. "Thanks baby." He smiled, kissing your forehead as you sat down next to him.
Achoo-achoo-achoo-achoo!! That's all Zayn had been doing since he got into bed that night, you sighed and sat up turning on the lamp. "Babe are you alright?" You asked a little irritated. "Yeah." He sniffled. "Just a stuffy nose." He muttered, sneezing again. "Do you think it's a sinus infection perhaps?" You suggested, since Zayn stayed so busy he was bound to get sick easily. "Maybe, just take care of me?" He begged, batted his eyelashes at you. You laughed and got up, going to get some nasal decongestants and something warm to drink. When you came back upstairs Zayn was finally asleep, you put the medicine and drink down on the nightstand since there was no use to try to get him up.

One Direction Preferences
FanfictionI saw a lot of these on other sites and tumblr and I decided to add them for Wattpad readers :) some are inspired from tumblr and other sites and some are FROM tumblr (NOT ALL MINE!!!!!!!) and some are written by MOI. I try to write as much as I can...