It's because of the comments online that made him angry -- the ones questioning his sexuality and his position when it came to dominance. So? He took it out on you, grinning when you looked up at him with gleaming eyes, very much liking it when he took the lead. "I'm mad," he whispers, his hands locking around your wrists, "Because they think that I can't make you feel good. But I can, baby, oh I very much can, and will."
It's because of the bar fight he found himself involved with and the alcohol was still roaming through his veins, heightening his emotions and you were right there, looking more beautiful than ever, and he just couldn't help but to push and press himself against you and have his hips meet yours. "Fuck me," he growls, needing something sweet and salty to take his mind off the anger of the fight. Just you.
It's because he's more angry at himself than anyone else, because of letting you go and now that he is just getting you back, he needs to convince you to stay. "I can make you feel so good," he whispers against your neck, his hands running down your waist as he swallows on the anger that he has for leaving you, "I can make you feel so good, baby, like old times. Let me do it, please? Let me make you scream."
It's because that guy was flirting with you and he became not so happy at all, oh no, just the opposite, and he found himself pushing your back onto the mattress and roaming his hands all over you, his possessive streak coming back out of its shell. "Mine," he mumbles against your neck, his fingers making their way down your underwear, "Mine, do you understand? Mine. Just mine. You're mine. All mine...."
It's because he doesn't like you moving much, and the bucking of your hips makes him just a tad bit irritated. But he takes it to the form of foreplay, his smirk broadening when you are eager to have your hips meet his. "Stay still," he growls, pushing your hips down with each hand digging into your hipbones, "Still." He waits until you're still and eyes you so you completely understand him, before he goes down on you again.

One Direction Preferences
FanfictionI saw a lot of these on other sites and tumblr and I decided to add them for Wattpad readers :) some are inspired from tumblr and other sites and some are FROM tumblr (NOT ALL MINE!!!!!!!) and some are written by MOI. I try to write as much as I can...