"Pleeeeease!" Harry was whining, pleading with you desperately. You were lying in bed, with a nice four month bump, while Harry laid next to you. He had his head on your shoulder, one hand rubbing your belly. "No, Harry," you groaned, "I don't like it." "What? Darcy is a beautiful name, whether it's a boy or a girl...," his emerald eyes pleading with you. "But...," you leaned your head back on the pillows, "All it makes me think of is Pride and Prejudice. Mr. Darcy. You know?" Harry gently moved and straddled you, being careful of you bump, and rubbed his hands across your collarbones and neck. You moaned softly. "That feel good, Momma Styles?" Harry chuckled lowly. "Yesssss," you felt yourself falling asleep. "I can do this all day, for the next five months... while we wait for baby Darcy if you'd like..." You groaned, "Damn hormones. Fine. Darcy." Harry bent down and kissed your lips gently, before moving to your belly and covering it in kisses, "Hey baby Darcy! It's me, your daddy." Yeah, Darcy was going to be perfect.
"Come on!" Niall dramatically threw some popcorn at your pregnant belly, "It's a Horan! He needs to be an Irishman!" "Niall!" You playfully giggled, "Are you trying to tell me you think there's even a chance that our baby won't be completely and utterly Irish? Niall, you're a freaking mascot for Ireland." "Exactly!" Niall moved to your couch, pulling you into his lap. "Which is why our baby needs a good, Irish name." "Niall," you put your head on his shoulder, "I don't want our baby named Thor or something insane." He rubbed your back gently, laughing, "Um, no. I was thinking something like Aiden." "Oh," you paused for a minute, "I like that." "I knew it!" Niall was smiling, "You've got a weakness for Irishmen." "I do not!" You giggled, protesting. Niall pointed at your swollen belly, smirking, "Are you sure?"
You were lying on your back, on the floor, with your feet up on the couch. You were trying to elevate your swelling feet and get some relief for your aching, pregnant back. "Please!" Liam shouted from the kitchen, where he was making dinner. "No!" You yelled back, "We are not naming our son Andy!" "I don't see why not," Liam came into the living room, lips pursed and eyebrows knitted together, "It's my best mate and my favorite movie." "Exactly...," you groaned, "Where do I get a say?" You raised your eyebrows and pointed to the position you were in, "This isn't exactly easy." Liam's expression softened and he came over and kissed you gently, "You're right love." "What about Andy as a middle name?" You smiled. Liam's entire face brightened, "You're wonderful, Mrs. Payne."
"Oh my god," you looked at Louis like he was crazy, "Not a chance." You were soaking in a tub, while Louis was getting ready for bed in the bathroom. "Why not?" Louis said, removing the tooth brush from his mouth. "It's the perfect name." "Tommo?! You legitimately want to name our son Tommo." "Yeah!" Louis smiled, "It sounds perfect, doesn't it, babe? Just the perfect name for a little Tomlinson baby." "Lou...," you looked him dead in the eye, "What would his full name be?" "Tommo... Tomlinson," realization spread over Louis' face, "I see. I see how that might be comical." You giggled, "A little bit." "What do you think, then?" Louis asked. "How about... well," you bit your lip, "Louis." "Louis?" "Yeah... Louis, Jr." Louis came over to the tub and bent over it, kissing you, "You're brilliant, [Y/N]."
"It would be perfect, though!" Zayn argued with you, both of you sitting far on the opposite sides of the bed. What had turned out as a pleasant late night conversation when neither of you could sleep, had turned into a massive argument. "I hate it," you growled, "Our son would have no originality!" "You hate the name Zayn?" Zayn looked at you, angered, "Seriously?" "No! I don't like the idea of Zayn, Jr. I want our son to reflect the both of us. Not just you." "You're being selfish!" Zayn snapped back. Suddenly, you felt a sudden wave of nausea and morning sickness and rushed to the bathroom, not expecting your angry husband to follow you. You were pleasantly surprised when you felt him rub your back and pull your hair into a bun. When you were finished, you fell back into his lap. He had a cool cloth and put it on your forehead, "I'm sorry," he murmured, kissing your cheek. "Me too," you whispered. "You're a big part of this," Zayn laughed, "Kind of the biggest, actually," he said rubbing your belly. "You know," you whispered, "You're the best husband, Zayn. And you're going to be the best father. And I want our son to have that legacy." Zayn's entire face lit up, "You mean Zayn Jr.'s in?" You giggled, "Yes!"

One Direction Preferences
FanfictionI saw a lot of these on other sites and tumblr and I decided to add them for Wattpad readers :) some are inspired from tumblr and other sites and some are FROM tumblr (NOT ALL MINE!!!!!!!) and some are written by MOI. I try to write as much as I can...