Another long update to end this lovely weekend, HOW MUCH DO YOU FUCKING LOVE ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
..... Anyways, I will probably have my next update next weekend, maybe a short update maybe a long one.... Not quite sure yet :/ but there will definitely be one ;D xxxxx
Love Megzzzzz
Stay HAPPY, HEALTHY, STRONG and BEAUTIFUL..... Just the way you are
Being a little over 7 months pregnant was taking a little toll on you so you were trying to take it as easy as possible, making sure you keep you and the baby healthy and safe. So after a home cooked meal for all the boys and their girlfriends, you were beyond tired and needed rest so had asked Louis to clear the table and load the dishwasher before he joined you in bed. You had got up early in the morning, walking into the kitchen to have your morning tea when you turn around to find the table exactly how you had left it the night before. "Louis!" You screamed. You heard a thud indicating he fell out of the bed with shock. He quickly ran down the stairs, think something was wrong with you or the baby. "What? What's wrong babe? Are you alright? Is the baby OK?" He asked, panicking. "I told you to get these dishes done Lou. I cook and clean all whilst carrying your child and all I ask is that you do one thing to help me out but you don't even care!" You screamed at Louis. "C'mon, you're overreacting!' He screamed right back. "Fine I'm done with you." You belted, storming off to your room. A couple of hours later, you come out of the room to find the kitchen completely spotless. "I'm sorry" someone spoke from behind you, spinning around to find Louis looking at you with apologetic eyes. "It's fine Lou. I'm sorry I overreacted." You said hugging him close to you. "I never realized how much help you need now that you're pregnant and even more when this little guy comes into this world" he smiled, rubbing your stomach. "I love you Tommo." You laughed as he tickled you. "I love you and him more than anything and nothing will come between us babe, I swear" he gushed, before kissing you passionately.
You were due in a month's time but that didn't slow you down. You were picking up the clothes around the house, wondering to yourself how Zayn managed to leave clothes everywhere, even on kitchen floor. As soon as you stepped next to the door, you smelled that smell that was all to familiar to you. You dropped the hamper overloaded with clothes and stomped outside, knowing already what you were going to find. And much to your dismay, you find Zayn with a cigarette in his mouth, inhaling all the smoke. "I thought you were going to stop" you said as Zayn turned around, realizing he had been caught red-handed. "I'm trying" he mumbled, squashing the cigarette into the ashtray, but not before taking one last drag, blowing all smoke in your face. "Than you should try harder" you screamed. "You don't rule my life and its my decision. So quit being a bitch" he nagged, before he got wide-eyed, realizing what he just said. "I didn't mean it" he stammered. "You know what Zayn. If I'm such a bother then I'll leave because I'm not going to just stand here and watch the person I love most in this world slowly kill himself and his own damn child. Don't do it for me Zayn, I could care less about me right now. But do it for your own daughter we're soon bringing into this world" you belted, whispering in the end as a sob escaped your lips. "I'm sorry babe, I'm so sorry. I'll do it, I'll stop. I swear I'll try my hardest. Giving this up is a small price to pay as long as I keep my daughter and wife safe in my arms. I'll do anything just please don't leave me, please?" He begged, sobbing into your hair, kissing your forehead repetitively. "It's OK Zayn. Just please stop this" you asked him, looking straight into his eyes. "I promise" he mumbled, sealing the deal with a passionate kiss on your lips.
You've been crying yourself to sleep for the past two hours, clutching your 8-month-old baby bump containing you twin boys that will be arriving soon. You were growing tired of Niall's antics. You hear the door open and close as Niall stumbled through the door after his 4th celebrity event this week, which included alcohol and models, not your favorite combination. "Shit" you hear Niall groan as he drunkenly made his was to bed, leaving a trail of clothes behind him, passing out in a matter of minutes. You dried your tears and made your way out of bed, packing your belongings as quickly as possible. "Princess? What are you doing? It's 4AM?" He grumbled, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Go back to sleep Niall, I'm just packing" you stammered. "What? Why? Were are you going?" He panicked, making his way out of bed and over to you. "I'm am not going to stick around and watch you drink away your life while I stay home to take care of your children Niall" you managed to say steadily. "I never knew you felt that way. Please don't leave. I love you and my little boys, I'll stop drinking and partying. I don't care what I have to do for you to stay. I need you in my life, I can't live with myself if you leave. Please princess, please!" He cried, taking everything out of the suitcase that you had already packed. "Stop it Niall. It's too fucking late. You should have thought of that sooner you jerk" you screamed, hitting his chest with every word as you collapsed in his arms, crying into his chest. He cried with you, rubbing your back in comfort. "I'm sorry baby, I really am. Don't do this, you can't take my kids away from me and you can't leave me either. I won't let you. I love you so fucking much, I know I don't always show it but I do" Niall whispered. "Promise me you'll change" you croaked. "Promise. Thank you" he silently whispered. "Then I'm not going anywhere" you smiled, kissing his flaming red lips, putting your trust in his hands, wiping away the tears.
"So wait? Are you telling me you're going to be gone on tour a week after the birth of your first daughter for seven bloody months Harry?" You screamed, throwing your hands everywhere. "I'm sorry babe, it's not like I want to go away but management is forcing us! I can't get out of this Y/N" he apologized, with sad eyes. "Don't give me this crap Harry. Cause if you tried hard enough me and I both know you could have gotten out of this" you said. You were furious with Harry right now knowing that you will be raising your daughter alone for the first part of her life because Harry's job always comes first before everything. "You know what Harry? Do whatever the hell you want but don't you fucking dare come crying to me when your own daughter doesn't even recognize you Harry. Her own bloody dad" you screamed, storming off to your shared bedroom. You cried your eyes out, scared that your baby girl you've been carrying for almost eight months was going to grow up without a father figure. As soon as your tears dried, you headed out of the room, walking into the living room, finding Harry asleep on the couch and you instantly felt guilty for lashing out at him, but who could blame you as a mother. You grabbed a blanket, covering his sleeping body as you placed a tender kiss on his warm forehead as he started to slowly wake up. "Y/N! Babe...." Harry croaked, waking up fully. "I called management and they allow you and Darcy to come along. That is if you still want to. I'm really sorry babe, I really am" he apologized, eyes filling with tears. "I'll go anywhere with you as long as we stay together, were a team Harry" you smiled, pecking his soft lips. "I love you" he breathed. You kissed him again, "I love you too Haz" you mumbled against his lips, as he dragged you down on the couch with him, laughing loudly as you snuggled into his warm chest, wrapping his strong arms around your not so small figure.
Liam had been gone for almost all your pregnancy as he'd only been here these two weeks. But you took full advantage of the time he's been here, as you took the time to kick back and relax now being this close to your due date, you had to take it easy. Liam was building the crib for your son so he wanted you out of the house so you went shopping with a 5-month pregnant Eleanor and Tommy (Elounor's Son). You secretly couldn't wait to go back home and when it was time to go you rushed home. You raced through the front door eager to see the progress of the crib. Your smile instantly dropped at the sight of wood scattered around the room and sleeping Liam resting his back on a half built crib. "You cannot be serious Liam" you screamed. He woke up frightened as he looked around, coming face to face with his enraged pregnant wife. He looked around, realizing what got you so worked up about. "I'm sorry love, I was just so tired, I must have..." He mumbled, scratching the back of his neck afraid to look you in the eye. "Tired Liam? Really, tired? You haven't been doing anything but sleep and eat Li. How could you be tired?" You screamed, your voice softening along the statement. "The boys called me at 1AM last night to arrange a schedule for studio time and it took me till 6AM to finish it and I barely got any sleep last night. Then I was concentrating on building this freaking thing and I just couldn't keep my eyes open so I fell asleep on the manual. I'm sorry sweetie, I really am, I'm just-just.... God, why do I have to be such an idiot?" he gushed, hitting his head multiple times in the process. "Stop it Li. It's fine, I'm sorry I overreacted baby, I didn't know that happened last night. You should have told me and slept a few hours and did the crib some other time" you smiled rubbing his back in comfort. "I didn't want to disappoint you, I knew how much you were looking forward to this" he said, half smiling. "I'd much rather see a happy Liam than a stupid crib babe" you smiled, pecking his lips and grabbing his hand, leading him to bed for a much needed nap for the both of you

One Direction Preferences
FanfictionI saw a lot of these on other sites and tumblr and I decided to add them for Wattpad readers :) some are inspired from tumblr and other sites and some are FROM tumblr (NOT ALL MINE!!!!!!!) and some are written by MOI. I try to write as much as I can...