I couldn't focus all throughout tour rehearsals. We were going home in less than a week, but I couldn't stand not having my girlfriend around me anymore. I hated going to bed alone and waking up the same way. When it was my turn to sing, I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I felt the tears threaten to pour over and the boys rushed to my side. I collapsed onto the stage, just sobbing. It felt like the whole world stopped. I had no idea what was going on. Before I knew it, someone forced a phone into my hand and I heard her soothing voice, telling me everything was going to be okay. Just knowing that she was okay made me feel instantly better.
Her name was the only word that my brain could process the past night. I awoke slightly out of breath with my clammy and trembling body. My movements woke her up, or so I thought. She quietly told me that I was yelling her name in my sleep. The nightmare was horrifying, I thought I'd lost her forever. She wrapped her arms around my bare skin and pulled me into her chest. She mumbled a few verses of our favorite song while she slowly stroked my back, trying to calm me down. I don't know what I would do without her. She's my other half, the one that I could never even dream of being without.
I felt her hand slip from mine as the flashing lights swarmed in closer to me. I could feel my breath hitch in my throat and my heart started beating faster. I started shouting for help, hoping she was okay. I closed my eyes and started counting, a trick that Paul had taught me. Before I even got to three, I felt her familiar hand wrap around mine and pull me towards her. She looked at me and mouthed it's okay, I'm right here. I engulfed her into a hug and kept her close to me as we made our way to the awaiting vehicle. I was a bit frazzled, but she knows exactly how to make me better. I laid my head down on her lap and her fingers played with my hair, her soft voice telling me to breathe.
It was no secret that I was claustrophobic, yet people still trapped me whenever I left the safety of my house. I could always handle it when my fiancée was next to me, but I was alone. I thought I was barely recognizable, but I was mistaken when a group of five girls rushed over to me, begging for pictures and autographs. The group of five quickly escalated to ten, which turned into twenty and it only got bigger from there. My breathing became uneven and I was scared because she wasn't with me. I had barely even made it a blocked. Over the squeals, I hear the familiar voice yelling my name. She pushed past the crowd and pulled me into the safety of her arms. I knew everything was going to be okay with her by my side.
My whole body felt numb as the boys and I walked, yet another, red carpet. I hated these events. I'm very shy around new people. The interviewer was talking about girls and my mind immediately went to my wife. She was my pride and joy, the one who I told everything to. All I wanted was for her to be here with me, but she's at home watching the television. The lady started firing questions at me about my wife. I couldn't handle it anymore. I began to sweat and my vision started to blur. My cell phone started ringing and I answered, feeling whole again when I heard her voice. She told me to relax and that she loved me. Just those words made me better. I realized in that moment that without my wife, no one would know how to calm me down.

One Direction Preferences
FanfictionI saw a lot of these on other sites and tumblr and I decided to add them for Wattpad readers :) some are inspired from tumblr and other sites and some are FROM tumblr (NOT ALL MINE!!!!!!!) and some are written by MOI. I try to write as much as I can...