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The screen flashed with a familiar title as Y/N sat on the couch with her younger sister and a bowl of snacks and popcorn on the coffee table. The announcer began to speak, relaying what had happened an episode ago just in case any of the viewers at the moment had missed it, which if they were super-fans of this show, like a certain H/C haired girl who didn't miss a single episode, they wouldn't miss it for the world.

"Mom! It's starting!" She called to her mother who was in the kitchen and grinned as the supposedly live cameras began to show off the remaining survivors on the show. Only four remained out of thirty that were placed in the maze. The most suspenseful part of the show is that Yui, Y/N's favorite survivor, was still alive and thriving. Yui had been through so much this season and the woman was super close to escaping the complex maze!

"Oh! It looks like Jeremy has run into some trouble! Let's turn to his body camera for a closer look!" The announcer stated, the camera switching to the male's camera that was attached to his chest. Each contestant (everyone knew they were actors) had four cameras on them. One attached to their chest, one on their back, and one on both hips of the player. This allowed the viewers to see every angle if one of the cameras couldn't view the action.

"Oh, God, help me!" Jeremy cried. He had only survived this long because the man had a history of track and field. That meant he was pretty great at running from things. The male's camera jumped around as he sprinted down a dark path of thick trees and a dirt path. He was breathing heavily so this made Y/N's own heart accelerate. Was he really that winded running from an actor dressed as a killer?

A loud, maniacal laugh filled the microphone of the camera which increased the speed of the male whose camera jumped around more frantically. The position changed to his back so the many fans watching at home could see who was chasing him.

Right when the camera changed, everyone at home saw a hatchet was thrown straight at said camera, which broke the system and forced it to the male's right hip camera. This had him lying on the ground and groans of pain were heard through ragged breaths.

"Oh my god, it's Toby!" Y/N's younger sibling squealed, a fan of the brunette. The H/C-haired female smiled slightly, turning her head to the screen once more. Everyone knew that Ticci Toby's ax-throwing skills were impeccable. The most reliable way of dodging the throwing weapon was to run from side to side so you were harder to hit.

The sounds of Jeremy's screams were heard from the TV, following along with the sound of static and the repeated sound of breaking bones and muscle tearing apart. Everyone always wanted to know how those sounds were made and Y/N guessed they used objects behind the scenes like what they did with movies.

"Only three contestants remain, folks! This is surely a heart-racing episode today!" The announcer spoke in his usual excited tone, which always creeped Y/N out. The camera changed to Rebecca, who the protagonist disliked from the start. She was walking with Tom, another contestant who she was definitely going to betray at some point. The lights at the far top of the ceiling began to glow brighter, the electronic screens portraying a 'daylight' mode.

"It looks like the nighttime killers have gone away for now, the daytime killers are now in play!" The announcer spoke to both the viewers and to the contestants. Y/N chuckled as Tom flipped the obvious camera in the maze off. There were so many killers in this maze and the only few safe places were far from Rebecca's and Tom's reach.

The camera focused on Tom's chest, which caught both Y/N's sibling and her own attention. This meant someone was near and something was going to happen.

"T-Tom, what was that noise..?" The blonde held onto the similarly dressed male, tightening her grip around the long, white sleeve. Tom, holding onto the makeshift weapon he made four episodes ago, which allowed him to survive an attack against a killer that called himself Kagekao (since Tom nor Rebecca knew a word he was saying). There were subtitles for the viewers at home on what Kagekao was saying, but they weren't available for the contestants. Y/N learned a bit of Japanese too, just for the joke if she ever got a chance to star in 'One Killer Maze'.

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