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Chapter 36

"You are so cute. Isn't she cute?" Y/n sat beside her 'younger self' (it was just a young actress that looked like her) with a proud smile, holding the girl's hand, "tell her she's cute."

One of the make-up artists cleared their throat, "uh, Y/n...we need to get her ready.."

"Not until you tell her she's cute."


"How do you feel playing the younger version of the female lead?" A camera flickered over to the young girl with h/c hair and shining, e/c eyes, similar to the protagonist, except the child's eyes were a shade lighter. Said girl nodded sheepishly, her face flushing with embarrassment.

"I, um, I really like Y/n! She's..." She tugged at the end of her shirt, "she's really nice to me and helps me memorize my lines."

"And what about the two actors who are your character's parents?" The interviewer asked.

"They're actually really nice...they remind me of my own mom and dad!" She cheerfully smiled at that which made both the interviewer and the cameraman coo at the action.


"Do you have everything?" The actress playing Y/n's mother whispered, a tad bit of nervousness in her tone. With small hands, the smaller actress pulled the closet door open and pulled out a small suitcase, packed full of random clothes, and a bag that had some baby items and bathroom supplies inside.

The set was dark and nobody was allowed to have their phones on unless they wanted to ruin the scene.

"Will D/n miss us?" The child actress innocently asked, her wide, e/c eyes blinking in the darkness. Through the dark shadows, she could see the older woman flinch expectedly, but she looked down at the girl and nodded.

"I'm sure he will, but he's a strong man," she whispered, "he'll be okay on his own."

In the depths of the dark, behind the unknowingly thin walls, there was a small voice of, "no he won't," that was heard by all in the brief silence. People couldn't hold their laughter in enough and D/n covered his face.


Y/n stared at the unexpected scene, glaring at the red and blue flashing lights with tired eyes.

Unfortunately, the car they were using for the scene had been parked illegally in the neighborhood they were using and a neighbor, who many called "Karen", called the cops on them. Now the director was trying to resolve the situation as peacefully as possible.

"Big sis?" The young girl playing Y/n tugged on the other's pants, "what's happening over there? Is someone hurt?"

Y/n glanced down at the girl and then back over to where the Karen was now yelling at the officer who was just trying to calm her down. The h/c haired female brought up a hot mug of her favorite warm drink to her lips and muttered, "someone's about to be."



Y/n slowly peeled her eyes open, glaring up at the ceiling with an odd fascination. She shifted slightly, her skin prickling with a warm sensation. She then began to cry, tears slipping from the corners of her eyes and she slowly began to sit up, wiping them away. Method acting, she thought with clenched teeth.

A knock then came at the door at the far side of the room, which caused her to pause.

"Y/n? I'm coming in."

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