Chapter 29

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The sounds of people yelling were deafening as the camera focused on the doors to the facility. It was obvious they were trying to block the rest of the rioters from entering even though a large handful of them had entered already. Most of them hadn't come out.

Jerry glared at his phone while he watched the stream, watching it for updates but also to pass time as he waited for Ms. L/N to hurry outside. He'd have an uber come pick them up and then drop them by a car rental place so they couldn't be followed by easy means. At this point, he was terrified if the uber would be a secret FBI agent or worse...

"Chat!" The yell from his phone caught him off-guard, "chat! Do you hear that?"

The one streaming this catastrophe over the internet was a throw-away account, obvious from their name; but they gained so many subscribers in so little time due to the amount of chaos that this company had stirred up during the past year OKM had been active.

Though, the sounds that the streamer was trying to explain were hard to hear over the shouts of the many people that appeared today. They would probably appear tomorrow too or even stay nearby so they wouldn't have to go home.

But...of course, there weren't always people happy with the decision of raiding the OKM facility.

Nuri2 just leave them alone

Misifit this isn't helping anyone?/???


Jerry cringed. There were many more than just those three viewers who were trying to defend OKM, but they all didn't have the time to watch this stream.

Caravoooora helgl help pleasklfgohd we'rej isnide

Odd. It was probably a spammer or a troll trying to garner attention, but curiosity got the best of him and he tapped on their username.

Streaming now, only two viewers. Huh.

He tapped the stream and immediately noticed how dark it was, but the heavy breathing was clear enough that there was a reason it was this way. In the distance there were the same sounds of rioting, muffled by layers of walls and metal barricades against the doors at the front of the facility, at least, that's what it seemed like.

"Kara, you good?" The stream picked up a voice, hushed, but nearby.

"Y-yea, yea." Whoever spoke was shaking, "s-still bleeding a bit but...I'm fine."

The screen shook immediately when alarms went off, flashing the dark room with a red glow.

"They're getting in!" A voice screamed from outside the room they hid in. Each time the red glow washed over the room, Jerry could make out one other figure in the corner of the This figure was coming out of a terminal that was built in the wall. The form was flickering, hands on both sides of the terminal as if they were struggling to release themselves; the body was shifting, but not on its own, it was like a shift in reality.

"OH, GOD!" Kara, who held the camera, screamed at the top of her lungs, focusing on the figure that Jerry had noticed all too quickly. Everything was chaos now as if it wasn't before, and the stream became jittery, glitching as static crossed the screen a multitude of times.

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