Chapter 30

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The drive out to...who knows where was quite boring, to say the least.

It had only been an hour and a half since the two of them had left the parking lot and Jerry was still dreading what to tell Ms. L/N. He had already gone through four scenarios in his head.

1. He'd tell her that she was in danger and her daughters were hopeless to save at this point, then, she'd kill him.

2. He'd tell her that she was in danger and her daughters were hopeless, but this time, she'd call the police on him and he'd get arrested for kidnapping.

3. He'd tell her that she was in danger and her youngest daughter was dead but, hey! Y/N was still alive and kickin' in a maze full of killers! She'd probably shut down.

4. He didn't tell her anything and she'd just nag to him and tell him to take her home, which he couldn't do. Then she'd call the police and he'd get arrested.

At the moment, they had found a gas station on the side of the road and stopped so they could get some snacks and gas...and use the restroom if they needed.

Jerry stayed in the car, dealing with his current problems.

"Oh, um, Ms. L/ and your eldest daughter are in mortal danger., Ms. L/N, I regret to- god, no..." He was currently trying to rehearse the situation out loud.

The car door opened, causing Jerry to jump, similar to last time. The woman who did so looked at him and chuckled; the second time he had done that today.

"P-please don't laugh.." He trailed off, miserably staring ahead of him as she slipped into the passenger's seat and buckled herself in. She had three plastic bags filled with various items in both hands and began to set them in the back seat carefully.

"That a lot," Jerry commented, watching her carefully. She smiled and moved sluggishly.

"It is... I assumed with the way you were acting that...I'm not going to be returning home for a while, am I right?" When the third bag was settled in the back seat, she cast a cold gaze towards him with her E/C eyes staring daggers in his soul. He nodded. No way out of this one, chief.

"Jerry, please tell me about the show that my daughters left to be on."

The ginger started up the car, the vehicle thrumming as he pulled out of the gas station, fueled up.

And so...he told her. Everything.



She was safe unfamiliar yet familiar as it was.

The sense of nostalgia crashed over Y/N like a heavy wave from the sea.

She was back at a campsite, or was she? She was sitting outside this time in a field of flowers with the young girl next to her. The girl wore a white sundress that hung low to her ankles. She poked gently at the yellow, white, and pink flowers that were decorated around her. They were like colorful stars in a green sky. A few dandelions danced among them.

"Friend~ where are you?" The young girl sang, stretching her bare feet out in front of her. She lay backward, staring up at the blue sky as she hummed. Y/N felt a warmth spreading throughout her chest and clutched at it, but caught nothing.

The sound of soft humming caught both of their attention. The child acted first, jumping to her feet. She hurried over to the tall entity with the odd smile on its pale face. The smile seemed to grow just a tad when the child ran over to it, grasping at the long legs of her friend...she called it that.

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