Chapter 27

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Quick steps padded lightly and swiftly through the forest, fog settling, becoming thick and hard to see through; but the slight glow from the puppeteer's golden eyes granted a small 'flashlight'. Despite the fog creating troubles for her, Y/N felt her senses heighten. The cool air filled her nose and stuck to the back of her neck, creating a fresh dew that sent shudders down her skin. Abrupt, but not unwelcome.

A small dip appeared in front of the running girl, causing her to falter only slightly before she steadied herself once more. Y/N sent a small look of uncertainty towards her grey fellow.

"And you're sure she's this way?"

Not pausing to look, he responded, "this is my domain. I'm sure I know when I sense a human in my territory."

Falling silent, Y/N glanced at the terrain they ran on. She noticed that the nettles that used to line the ground were no longer there. The ground was overgrown and covered with moss. Her steps dipped lower into some soggy parts that they ran through, emitting an inaudible sound to the human ear. Since the ground became moist, a lake or a stream was possibly nearby.

Puppeteer began to slow down, crossing his arms as they came upon a small ledge that overlooked a small stream, rocks lining the edges coated with curled moss and ferns. Thin trees and branches bent over multiple parts of the murky water which was around knee-deep.

Y/N stepped down from the ledge, almost slipping from the slick bank. Mud coated the front of her boots which caused the H/C haired girl to frown. She looked over to Puppeteer, knowing that if he saw, she'd see a smug smirk with narrowed eyes.

But he was gone.

She was now left in silence. The distant sounds of birds and different wildlife crept into the back of her mind. Cool mist entered her system, icing the back of her throat, which caused her to swallow to remove the feeling. If the killer left...didn't that mean...

"Yui?" Y/N whispered, stepping along the bank of the stream slowly. The water was about ten feet wide, so she couldn't cross until it either thinned up or a way to cross appeared.

If Puppeteer led her here, Yui should be in the area, right? Could she be hiding from her?

Thinking about that caused Y/N's brow to furrow and she stood still underneath the small shadow of a weak-looking tree. It seemed weak due to the bark that was chipped along the base of the tree; dead leaves also fluttered to the ground.

A distant flock of birds began to flutter into the air above her head, shrieking with a sound of fright. Y/N lifted her head and noticed the shadow growing above her all too late.

Immediately, Y/N, and whatever, or whoever, fell on her, collapsed to the ground. The slick made it easier for the collapse to happen and mud was sticking to her clothes.

"What-" She regretted opening her mouth as she got a mouthful of dirt and a wet substance. She felt the weight on top of her slightly lightening, but immediately, a forceful hand grasped a fistful of her hair and slammed her head back to the forest bank. This dazed her and knocked the wind out of her a second time.

Finally gathering her senses, Y/N forced her hands under her torso and pushed upwards, it was a struggle, and her assailant wasn't expecting this strength from her; but retaliated quickly. The one atop of her forced the two of them to the side, both lying on their backs. It was a race to get up first, and she scrambled to do so with a heaving breath. The fog was making it hard to concentrate, but she caught a glimpse of brown eyes and tan skin. But...those eyes; they were near similar to the ones she had seen before. They didn't seem human; no, this person was human, but she no longer had a clear mind.

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