Epilogue: Eyeless Jack

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The knock was sharp and quick. Y/N shot upwards, her mind buzzing, racing as it repeated the voice she had heard from the other side of the door. The light that crept into the room from the window suddenly created a false coldness in the room which caused her to freeze up and shiver, the blankets now only covering her knees and below.

A man in a navy blue mask with tousled brown hair appeared in the doorway. His black hood, which was usually up, was down, collected around his shoulders. He noticed Y/N's startling form.

"Y/N," he raised his hands, his grey, sharp hands, "I need you to calm down. Breathe, alright?"

Her heart accelerated as she clutched her chest. Her heart was pounding in her ears. Y/N sucked in a breath through her nose, then exhaled through her mouth. She did this a few more times until she was able to recognize who was the one talking to her.

"Jack.." She breathed out, wiping the dampness in her eyes. Y/N released a shaky breath, the color in the room now returning. She didn't feel as cold anymore, but a chill still pricked her legs which were bare besides the thin pajama shorts she wore plus the black tank-top.

Eyeless Jack lowered his left hand but kept up his right. He then left the room for a few minutes, allowing Y/N to gather her thoughts slowly. Her heart began to beat at a steady pace and her breathing slowed normally, but there were still some moments where quick shivers shook her frame, goosebumps running up her legs and arms. Jack returned after, holding a metal tray.

There was a clear glass of water on the tray, as well as a smaller cup, like a shot glass, with a purple liquid. He settled on the side of the bed that was closest to her shivering form. He plucked the small cup first with the purple liquid inside and handed it to her.

"You were running a fever for a few days," he explained as Y/N took the small glass. She brought the cup to her lips, the strong scent of grape stinging her nose. Quickly, she downed the medicine, her face scrunching up at the taste; thankfully, Eyeless Jack handed her the water so she could wash the taste away.

"How long was I..." She leaned forward, rubbing the side of her head. How long was I out? Where are we? Why are you here? She wanted to ask, but the words couldn't come out. She took another drink of the water, settling the glass between her legs, but kept her hands around it.

"A day at most. This...is my getaway of sorts." The male explained, his weight on the side of the bed lifting. He placed the tray on the bedside, the metal clinking with the small, empty glass on top of it.

There was no other sound in the house other than the two of them talking. Jack seemed to notice her tilted head and sighed.

"It's a cabin. Out in the woods. We're safe here if you're thinking about that," he explained a bit more thoroughly. "Since you had a fever...I was the only one able to technically take care of you.. Since I'm a doctor."

"Should I call you Doctor then?" She raised her eyebrows. The other responded with a startled cough. He knocked a fist to his chest and shook his head.

"No, Jack is just fine."

But...just a week ago you... Her mind wandered and Eyeless Jack seemed to notice that due to the extending silence. He wordlessly sat, staring off in comfortable silence.

"How are you feeling?" His voice had grown softer now that he spoke again. Y/N blinked, her E/C eyes focusing on him before leaving his body and staring down at the sheets that collected at her bare legs. She shifted.

"Better," a short sigh escaped from her nose, "I feel...cold though."

The male leaned forward towards her sitting form, his arm outstretched. Y/N froze, his grey hand coming up to push stray strands of her H/C hair up off her forehead. He pressed his palm against her forehead and hummed. The female settled her nerves, beginning to lean forward into his touch, but he, unfortunately, took his hand away.

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