Chapter 20

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A cold, slightly clawed hand covered the female's mouth quickly and her scream was cut to an abrupt halt. The navy mask was staring down at her and even though he showed no face, she could feel the irritation radiating off of this person. E/C orbs stared up into empty voids.

"If you scream you can forget about me stabilizing your friend." A cold voice hissed from behind the mask. She grew still, her eyes widening at his words, but nodded nonetheless. The killer squeezed her jaw with his clawed hands once and then released her. His body shifted around, his back now facing her. He was leaning over Levi who was breathing normally.

Y/N sat up slowly, glancing to the side as she peered over the male's shoulder. He was built quite lanky, but he didn't look weak at all. If she knew anything from this place is that appearances could be deceiving.

Footsteps approached the small hut quickly and the cloth at the front was moved. A familiar face appeared inside and his tall form entered the place. He glanced at the masked individual and then to the girl who sat with wide eyes.

"Did you hurt her?" The male who was standing questioned the one who was working on treating the young boy's wounds. An agitated sigh came from his hooded form.

"And why would I do that?" He snapped back, refusing to look away from his work. Norrington looked at Y/N and motioned for her to follow him. He ducked out from under the area and left the hut. The female got up and glanced down at Levi's sleeping face. It was relaxed, but every so often she saw his eyelids flicker and twitch.

Swallowing her nervousness, Y/N left the hut and saw that Norrington was sitting with one other person by a covered fire. They sat in silence, a perfect chance for her to enter the scene; so she did so.

The unfamiliar person who sat with Norrington was a girl who looked around Y/N's age. She had red hair and piercing hazel eyes. From here Y/N could tell that this girl was a bit short, but, again, appearances meant nothing. The female who was sitting across from Norrington glanced up and spotted the H/C-haired girl heading towards them.

A jolt of recognition jolted the two of them at once and the red-haired girl sat up. Norrington watched her do so and then turned his head to the other girl that stood in her tracks.

"You're... Y/N? Right?" She questioned with a slow voice. Y/N nodded in response.

"Barbara?" Our protagonist questioned with hesitance. A smile lit up on Barbara's face as she literally jumped forward and wrapped the other in a tight hug. Y/N's ribs felt like they'd break there and then. The two of them let out loud, breathy laughs of their own, contagious smiles caught on their lips.

Norrington's lips twitched, "I guess I don't have to introduce you two."

Y/N, her smile still crossed over her face, shook her head and looked over at Barbara, "it' of those moments again. Not sure how though; but I'm glad I found you."

"Heck yea! Finally...another girl in this camp," Barbara slung an arm over the H/C haired woman's shoulder and tugged her over to the warm fire. It crackled from under the metal cover which was used to keep the smoke at a minimum. Y/N was sitting next to Barbara now and she handed over a bowl of some sort.

Taking it, she inspected the food. It was easy to discover that it was rice with pieces of meat next to it. The smell was mouthwatering and Y/N quickly took a large bite of both options. She hadn't eaten something actually cooked in a while and the taste of something else than trail mix was relieving.

Barbara watched Y/N eat with a smile, but then looked away and to the small opening in the center of the camp where the barriers allowed the moon to gaze through at them. It was cold, but she never knew how comforting the moon could actually be when it was out.

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