Epilogue: BEN Drowned

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When I said "white space" I had an OMORI flashback.
real quick tho, when i first wrote "the door swung open by itself" i thought, was this a good line? then i looked over at my own door, thinking it would just open anD THEN THE DOOR HANDLE TWISTED OPEN AND I HAD A MINI HEART ATTACK AND THEN my mom peeked in to see what i was doing up.
so yea. :)


There was no sound, but the door swung open by itself.

Y/N stared owl-eyed at the oak door, the empty frame sending a ghostly shiver down her spine. She pulled the red bedcovers up closer to her chin like a frightened kid and never tore her eyes away from the door. Everything felt so suffocating, but the area around her wasn't closing in on her. She felt oddly satisfied.

No...no...what am I thinking?! Satisfied? Satisfied?! Who would be satisfied after killing and deceiving all those people and leaving there without any choice in it at all?

But...she did have a choice. She chose to be there; chose to kill; chose to survive.

There was a distant ringing in Y/N's head and she forced herself to stop thinking.

Breathe. Breathe.

She inhaled deeply, held it, then exhaled slowly.


Y/N unraveled herself from the blankets and tore away from the warmth of the bed. During all of this, she had not noticed the window on the opposite side of the room. The curtains were drawn, so barely any light came inside. Y/N reached forward and drew the curtains to the side and winced as a bright wave of light stung her eyes. Slowly, she got used to it, but it wasn't anything natural. Everything on the other side of the window was snow-white. The fast plain of nothingness.

The door suddenly slammed closed, causing the female to jump from surprise. She could hear the ringing; closer now. Y/N hurried to the door and swung it open, squinting as it led straight out into the fast plain rather than the normal hallway it had shown before.

In the distance this time, she could spot a figure sitting, their back to her. Blond hair, green clothes, a long, pointed green hat (that somehow was drifting in the air). The ringing in her ears grew louder and she began her walk, which quickly became a slight jog, then a run.

The only person she knew here, it had to be him?

Despite being him, why did she find his presence so relieving? Why was she suddenly so happy?

"BEN!" Y/N shouted his name, the ringing popping in her ears. The blond paused in what he was doing before and turned around, his red eyes slightly wide. He smiled at her, then laughed seeing how quick she was to approach him. He then stood up from where he was floating (yes, he was floating) and outstretched his arms.

It didn't seem like she was stopping, so why not?

Y/N laughed dryly, stumbling as she made her way across wherever they were and launched herself into the arms of BEN Drowned, who caught her surprisingly well. He did step back a few times once he had his hold, but the two of them laughed as they gripped each other.

"Missed me that much, did you?" His pointed ears twitched teasingly as Y/N stepped away from him. That impish smile and the way his eyes looked at her; Y/N smiled in return; she didn't mind it. She had grown...attached to it to be completely honest.

"I...missed everyone," Y/N thought for a moment, "I still do...BEN, where are we?"

Looking around again, the only thing she could see was the house behind- nope, actually, that was gone too. Just the vastness of white space. BEN turned to look around, then back at her.

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