Chapter 3

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The darkness shrouded the room like a dark cape, the creaking of the door didn't wake the girl who slept in the comfy bed in the room on the left. There was soft breathing in the air as a figure, cloaked in darkness, kept to the floor.

The figure closed the door behind them quietly, keeping only a slight crack so they had an inch of light in the room to navigate with. The white, sliding door was left with a small sliver of space for the figure to slip through, careful not to snag any parts of their clothes onto the metal latch. The breathing was much louder in this room, but still soft and steady. They almost gasped when a faint ray of light went off at the bedside table. The figure's eyes glanced to the girl on the bed and stilled.

The girl turned onto her side, murmuring something, but was kept in a deep sleep.

The figure let out a quiet sigh of relief and stepped carefully over to the bedside table, where the phone's light was dimmed out and shut off again. It was just their luck that the phone had notification noises off.

Though, when they picked up the phone, they noticed something that quickly popped up. A clock, or timer of sorts. Their heart dropped and they plopped the phone down onto the bed in a hurry, recklessly hurrying through the door, almost getting caught on the metal part of the door. Just as the door closed, the girl's phone went off with a chime, waking the unsuspecting female from her slumber.

Y/N woke, the song of her alarm ringing in her ears as the noise raised one pitch, then dimmed down a bit. She searched for her phone, then realized it was laying on her bed. The female took it and swiped away the alarm, turning said alarm off completely. Sighing, the H/C-haired girl got out of bed and shuffled around the room for the lights. The brightness made her flinch back, squinting until she got used to the rays.

First of all, Y/N had set an alarm for nine in the morning, just so she could get prepared and go through the app on her phone before the set time for all the contestants to gather. The female got dressed as quick as her sluggish arms would go, her mind still powering on from the blissful sleep she had. Y/N was sure a large group of the contestants were going to stay up all night, she was almost certain.

Once Y/N was dressed, she decided to take her phone with her into the kitchen. Before that, she noticed her sliding door was left halfway opened and she furrowed her brows together. Maybe it was just her, but she was sure she had left it a bit closed when she went to bed.

Moving through the doorway cautiously, Y/N entered the kitchen and placed her phone on the counter. There was a box of muffins placed in the center of the table and she chose the one that looked the most appetizing for the morning. She then wandered to the fridge and took out a bottle of water, then, with her items, headed into the living room.

Y/N used her elbow to turn on the lights with little struggle and plopped herself onto a one-seated chair that had a small, round table connected to it. She placed her water and muffin on it and opened her phone, which had many messages from the strange app.

The one from Yui caught her interest the most.

[ Clips created a private message with Yui (1) ]

Hey, Yui! It's me, Y/N!: You

[ Yesterday at 11:35 ]


Yui: how do I know this isn't another trick?

[ Today at 4:27 ]

Y/N squinted at her phone, her brows furrowing together the second time this morning. A trick? What did she mean by trick? Did something happen to her when she was taken away last night?

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