Chapter 21

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Employees and staff were rushing about the facility when the blond returned. One immediately recognized him and stopped quickly.

"S-sir," she looked slightly pale, her professional face falling like a brittle wall, "there's a situation with the killers.."

There was no need to cover up what they actually were by now. Cold, ruthless killers. It was shocking how they managed to get their hands on them in the first place...but that was all due to one person that this was possible.

"Has the media responded to it?" He questioned quickly. The media would always try and notice things like this to try to get this show canceled. Some people just hated when things they dislike get popular.

The woman shook her head, but the look of worry did not disappear. Sucking in a breath, the announcer decided he would take this into his own hands. Marching through the hall, the girl quickly strode after him with a small interest in what his plan was.

The killers...after two years of this...they're finally doing something about it. He thought, turning the corner. There was a commotion coming from the room he was heading for. The room was dark, but many people worked inside with monitors in front of their eyes and phones placed right next to them.

"Have we solved this issue yet?" His voice came like a powerful wave from the entrance of the room. This halted all movement. His voice and form were just as commanding as the director of this operation.

"N-no...not yet, sir." A man with dark hair and red frames spoke up. He held a clipboard close to his chest.

The blond rubbed his temple, "such a simple solution..."

The employees stayed silent.

"Release an announcement that we're releasing the restraints on the killers. They're allowed to roam whenever; whether they used to be a day killer or night killer."

"But sir-!" A girl that was sitting just a moment ago stood up, her lips parted in shock, "this would cause the killings to go on too quickly!"

"Do you want to go in there and reason with them then?" He questioned quite harshly. The one who spoke before visibly stiffened and then sat back down. The air was tense and the people in the media room were still silent.

"Well?" The blond turned away and then the room began to move with life once more. This would only hold things down for a bit longer. The media would soon notice something was wrong and push on their boundaries.

Time was running out.

He needed to act quickly.


Y/N was drenched in a cold sweat when she heard those words. Barbara helped Ronan up slowly and she could now see that he was wounded, a large cut was dragged up the side of his torso and on the side of his face. Jack stepped over to the tent that they stood near, the one Levi was unconscious in.

That's right. Levi.

The female glanced over to Norrington, who seemed distraught, his face contorted to one of frustration and worry. She hadn't seen him like this before and she was sure that the others hadn't either. Y/N then twisted her head back at the tent Levi laid unconscious in. He was the youngest here...she didn't want to leave him alone. Despite the young contestant being unconscious; that guilt of him dying would forever haunt her.

Jack moved over to the tent and grabbed hold of the structure and began to tear it down.

"What are you doing?!" Y/N moved to stop him, but the flinch of his head snapping in her direction caused her to stop. She could feel a striking gaze on her body.

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