Chapter 5

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Y/N was rushing, to say the least.

The night had consisted of various events.

It seems that the perpetrator thought, just because each and every one of them would have to wake up early, that Y/N would fall asleep early. It was a good thing she had thought one step ahead.

Y/N, now knowing they were after her phone, placed the device on her bedside table, like she always did. She stuffed some extra blankets and a small pillow to act as a small dummy for her fake self. Because it was dark, the intruder wouldn't know that it wasn't her, and then Y/N could block their way out; this was the perfect plan.

Now, Y/N was sitting in the corner door of her kitchen, a blanket and pillow of her own keeping her company. The tile that chilled her bare feet spread goosebumps throughout her body when she was least expecting it. There was silence in the air, but the small click in the air broke the tension. Her heart was on the verge of adrenaline and the girl pressed herself against the wall of the kitchen, sliding off the blanket silently.

The light from the hallway that had spilled into her apartment gave it a faint golden color. She heard her bedroom door slid open slowly and carefully. This person, whoever they were, was being very careful. They had attempted in breaking in before, succeeding, but their prize was still far from their grasp.

Y/N stood, now knowing that they were far enough in her bedroom to become trapped, the only way out through her. She slid out of the kitchen and into the doorway of the bedroom, flipping on the lights that blinded them both. Her heart drowned out the surprised gasp coming from the figure.

Dark brown hair twirled, hitting the girl's face as she dropped Y/N's phone. Her hazel eyes flashed a sign of remembrance and fear. At the time, Y/N had no clue why she was in her room to begin with.

"Who are you?! Why are you trying to open my phone?" Y/N demanded, her brows furrowed together. The girl was obviously younger than her, around her sister's age.

Her sister.

Wasn't this her sister's friend from the bus?

Said friend's hands shook, her voice becoming brittle as she spoke, "I-I'm Y/N! I'm s-sorry...I was just doing as I was t-told!"

Again, the H/C haired girl's brows furrowed together, confusion knotting in between. The real Y/N spotted something in the younger girl's hold, something metal, but she hid that away from view.

"Y/N..." She trailed off, trying to think ahead a bit more. The chances that this girl had the same name as her weren't that slim, but it was also impossible at the time because of the groups they had formed together. Y/N had read all of them off and not once did she see a duplicate in the chart.

Yet, she went along with it.

"Well, Y/N, who was telling you to do this? I haven't gotten that much sleep lately because of you!" She questioned once more. The flash of relief flashed on the girl's face, before disappearing as quickly as it came. She glanced down at her feet.

"I-I can't tell you! They told me to try a-and open your phone but th-that's it!" She glanced back up with her hazel eyes, they were glossy, she was about ready to cry. Y/N could feel a pang of remorse for this girl. She was being told to do things and she did them without a doubt. Was she being controlled?

Y/N sighed, placing a hand on the side of her head to rub her temple, "alright. If you show me what you have in your hand, I may let this slide; as long as I don't see you in my room anymore."

This time, the girl with hazel eyes smiled thankfully and showed off what Y/N guessed from the start.

A key.

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