Chapter 35

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For a group so dangerous and large, they were sure very quiet.

Jane and Jeff stood on the completely opposite sides of the killer crowd, Liu standing behind his brother (Y/N did not know this), glaring at the black and white female. She either didn't notice his narrowed eyes or didn't care. During their time of waiting at this ominous door, a young girl, Sally, had approached, holding the hand of Candy Pop. Sally brightened when she saw Y/N and lifted her feet.

Her feet, no longer bare. The shoes that the H/C haired girl had given the child at the very beginning were still worn by Sally. Y/N gave her a smile but turned her head away slowly. Everything was slowly becoming muffled around her. This was wasn't a good strange, but it wasn't a dangerous strange either.

Y/N's head throbbed and she leaned against a free wall, rubbing the right side of her temple slowly. These memories... They were most definitely her own. But why was she just now remembering all these things? She couldn't once remember these things in the maze, so why now? What was so special about right now that these memories were appearing?

Despite knowing they were her own, she couldn't decide if these were false memories, planted in her by some unknown entity.

An unknown that faceless creature?

No. No, it couldn't possibly be.

Y/N felt something within her snap and her thoughts became distant.

"What are we waiting for exactly?" Puppeteer grunted, slouching in a corner near the large doors. A sigh came from Masky, which was muffled due to his...well, mask.

"BEN can't open this door, it requires a special code.... Which is what he said," he threw his head to the side, "but he's lying."

A mumble came from Otis and he moved to take out something from in his coat. A small pad of paper with a fountain pen looped inside the swirling metal that bound it together. For some reason, it was relaxing to see something so plain.

"Badmouthing me already, Masky?" BEN's chipper and mischievous tone rang in the air, catching almost everyone's attention. He approached in a catlike manner, striding towards them quickly and quietly. Someone unfamiliar approached close behind.

Candy Pop visibly bristled and if not everyone, most of the killers stood up to their full height to stare at the stranger.

The tall man had blond hair and wore a pale blue button-up shirt with black pants and shoes. His form shuddered underneath the unwavering glares of each killer. Though, when he caught Y/N's eye, his terrifying form seemed to ease ever so slightly.

"And why'd you bring that little lapdog of a human here, BEN?" Jefferey studied his knife carefully as if to implicate future events. The blond narrowed his eyes but shrunk away from the other's stares. The Link-lookalike grinned.

"This lapdog knows the code," BEN waved his hand in front of the man, "he's been a little mole for me and the outside for a while now."

Otis hummed, "is that so..."

The man nodded, stepping forward slowly, "I only ask that you let me leave...alive."

Masky stared at BEN, BEN doing the same in return.

"But that's no fun," Kagekao whined, a dark swirl of shadow resting at his feet. BEN shrugged in response.

"We either get in, or we don't leave at all."

The silence grew heavy after that and Y/N stood up amidst the quiet atmosphere. She stared at the man. He looked...familiar.

The flash of the TV screen. A blond man on TV with a shining smile. Green eyes that shone brightly...even if they did hold a falsity behind them.

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