Chapter 4

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[ Clips created a private message with Yui (1) ]

Hey, Yui! It's me, Y/N!: You

[ Yesterday at 11:35 ]


Yui: how do I know this isn't another trick?

[ Today at 4:27 ]

Try and find me today. We'll talk.: You

The message sat there like it never existed. Yui had seen it, she was sure of it. A week was almost up and she was worried Yui would never get back to her. At the moment every muscle and every fiber in Y/N's being ached like nothing she had felt before. The training and preparation she was building up would all be worth it in the end. The others who didn't build up their training were going to fail in the end.

Y/N was hobbling down the hall, to the meeting room at the end. It was a bit late, the cool breeze that she could feel coming through the vents giving her the crutch she needed to feel like she could still go on knowing that there was still life outside these walls. This place felt like a prison with all the schedules they had and rules they had to follow.

A man held a hand up to Y/N's form, forcing her to stop mid-step. Her hair was still wet from the rock climbing.

"Excuse me, I saw you climbing the rock wall with a man earlier. Was he a trainee as well?" She recognized him as the guard that approached the woman who manned the rock walls in the middle of the training grounds. Y/N's face flushed slightly at the thought of the other male.

"Um, well, I suppose so. I didn't really talk with him," she cleared her throat, "but I don't know where he went off to."

The guard nodded, marching off in the opposite direction she was heading.

Honestly, she had no clue who that man was. She naturally became flustered when thinking back about him and what he did in the artificial rain.

Presently she sat at one of the tables, deciding to strengthen her mind rather than her body for once. She had been training all week, she deserved a break, did she not? Y/N took out her phone and opened the unknown app. This app still didn't have a name, just an icon. There were some people talking in the world chat so she decided to check it out.

Anon 32: Did you hear about that one dude who tried to make a run for it across the warehouse?

Anon 19: ofc i was in his group

Anon 46: WAIT,,,so that's TRUE?

I was in his group too.: You

Y/N didn't know if revealing that was such a good idea, but she decided to do it anyways.

Anon 3: If only someoen recorded it :/

Anon 3: someone*

Anon 10: arent we like, not allowed to post vids here?

You can't post things of your face or private info. That's all I know. : You

Y/N left the public chat, deciding to not get into anything else while she was there. She knew that every contestant had different talents, some useless to the maze itself, others quite the opposite. Y/N decided to think over the events that had happened during the past week.

Day two

After the surprising events that had happened the first day there, Y/N decided to head back to the training grounds immediately when it opened. She was the first of three people to arrive and decided to visit the throwing weapons section. There was a man there who was openly trying to light a cigarette in his mouth. His gaze switched over to the female who was heading over and turned to the section he was supposed to supervise. The employee nudged a red button and the boxes opened.

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