Epilogue: Hoodie

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The knock was soft and short and the person who opened the door did so slowly. A face, someone she didn't recognize, peeked inside. He was tall and had messy, dirty brown hair. His eyes were noticeably sunken; he was tired.

Though, even if she didn't recognize his face, she did recognize the hoodie he wore. A dirty orange color, the same she had worn as a gift. A lightbulb lit in her head.

"Hoodie?" Her voice was scratchy and a bit nasally. She coughed a few times, finding it hard to even do that as her throat was dry for who knows how long. Y/N had been unconscious for a while now. The male at the doorway looked back out into the hall he came from, then stepped into the bedroom with quiet steps. He had a glass of water in his right hand as if he knew she would wake up at this exact time.

Hoodie moved to the side of the bed she lay on and reached out to help her up, but flinched back as if he was rethinking his actions. The time he did this Y/N moved upwards by herself. She took the glass from his gloved hands and slowly brought it up to her lips. Fresh water; it felt nice to drink something in such a relaxed state.

Taking the glass away from her, he sat down at the edge of the bed after placing the cup on the bedside table. The two sat in silence.

"Hoodie... Where are we...?" She asked him, her voice much clearer now.

"Brian...actually," the male looked at her, then away, scratching the side of his face, "my name..."


Brian. Then...that other one in the mask, he had a name too, right?

"You were brought here by the boss. It's a, um, cabin somewhere in the woods...someplace far away from everything else." He explained in a short breath. Brian seemed much more comfortable now that he was with her, "I'm the only one here... I, um, volunteered to take...uh, care of you.."

Even with the stammers in his sentences, it was a refreshing scene to talk to him so casually.

"Thank you, Brian," a genuine smile appeared on Y/N's face and the male looked over to her, jumping to his feet which startled the both of them. He nodded.

"Yea.." He looked over at the window, the rays now just a bit brighter, "are you sure you're not tired..?"

A laugh. She laughed.

"I don't know how long I was out... But I don't want to go back to sleep after... All that..."

The brunette watched her scoot to the side of the bed, the area he sat before. Her joints ached, popping easily in some places, "how long..?"

"Two days."

Her stomach groaned at those words and her face grew red at the sound, instinctively covering that area with her arms. An amused breath of air came from Brian. He moved swiftly across the room with tall strides, opening the door once more.

"There's food out here... I'll, um, be out there."

Then, he left. Y/N watched him do so, staring longingly at the door for a moment or two after he left and then snapped her attention down to her clothes. She no longer wore the pants, hoodie, or shirt she had on during the maze. She had on a large, grey t-shirt and soft, black shorts which rode up slightly during her sleep, they were also a bit big on her. Y/N tugged on them as she pulled off the warm blankets that clung to her body.

Immediately, she notice the new bandages around her ankle where a bullet had shot through not long ago. Some bandages were gone, only the remnants of soreness remained. Y/N got to her feet, shivering at the unfamiliar touch of the carpet against her bare feet. It felt odd not wearing her shoes most of the time. The girl eyed a single chair near the door that Brian had come through. Folded on top of it was a hoodie, the one the male had given her in the maze.

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