Chapter 14

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"It looks like your favorite hour is upon us, folks!" The announcer cheered, the red stain from the sky seemingly leaking into the studio where they were filming the commentary at. This time they had the live stream comments of the commentary up at the side of the screen. The chat was scrolling up fast, almost tens of thousands of viewers spectating.

"If you're new to One Killer Maze, I'll be glad to explain what Bloodlust hour is to you all." The male walked over to a large screen, the chat disappearing from view. A video from a few seasons ago, where they first introduced Bloodlust hour, which was very much chaotic.

"Bloodlust hour is when the killers in the maze go into a bloody craze! They begin to hunt anything that moves. We give thirty minutes for each team of killers, the night and the day killers," a video of someone fighting off a feminine figure appeared, her slim body flushed with pink. The chat began spamming the signature catchphrase of Jane the Killer.

A grin swept over the announcer's face and he chuckled, "looks like you guys get the gist of things! May I also remind you that time also speeds up! Once Bloodlust hour is over, it will return back to the original time it was before this happened."

He marched back over to the table and sat down, the older man wasn't there anymore, his spot was empty.

"The creator himself had to leave for a bit, but we're keeping cameras rolling! If your feed cuts off, just wait a few minutes as we try and sort it out," was he mentioning something strange? "If not, check back later!"

The camera started to fade and the announcer's form quickly got up from the table, hurrying off-screen.


The world around her was bleeding red at this point. There were screams everywhere and the sounds of laughter. Y/N didn't want to run anymore. Her calves burned from running so much that she needed to rest.

So she made the mistake of resting.

The vine-like part of the forest she rested at resembled a jungle. The trees were large and tall, closely grown together. There were small ones as well, but they were grown short and stout, very close to the ground. Y/N decided to rest underneath the shorter ones, her breathing ragged and her throat burning.

The girl slid off her backpack and took out a water bottle that had been sent to her with all the other supplies. She twisted off the cap and tilted her head upwards, the bottle of water draining with each thirsty gulp. The water was tinted pink, but she knew it was just the crimson around her; at least she hoped it was.

Y/N placed the water in her bag once more and her breathing began to slow down. Her heart wasn't pounding as hard as it was before and she thought she was finally safe.

Finally safe here.

The girl pushed herself further into the tree's canopy, her hair getting tangled with the leaves. There was a distant chirp of a bird, which brought security to her, but it still was a frightening sound to hear suddenly. She glanced upwards, her legs squeezed against her chest.

She could spot the ugly colors of the leaves between the branches, they were a disgusting shade of yellow. It wasn't a surprise that the trees also looked like a muddy red. Y/N frowned and glanced around at the skyline. The vines that connected to each tree created some sort of shadow over the sky, highlighting it like a crease in the sky.

The female decided to unclasp her machete and lifted it, slicing some of the vinery and leaves. Some of the shrubs had fallen onto her face so she dropped her chin to her chest to get rid of them.

Y/N then noticed a vine tangled around her right ankle. She narrowed her eyes, cutting the vine in one clean swipe. She noticed it grew dull afterward as if it had lost a life. The contestant was only human, so of course, she felt bad when she saw this, but then realized all too quickly that this was quite unnatural for a plant.

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