chapter 1

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It's been months when (y/n) and Naruto meet, Minato stayed at (y/n)'s house and sometimes helping her at what she was doing.

Minato also knows that (y/n) is older than she looks and the legendary swordsman. When (y/n) told him that he was so surprised and his face was priceless.

And when (y/n) was in Konoha she would hangout with Naruto but with Minato of course but Naruto doesn't know that because (y/n) is the only one that can see ghost.

Now (y/n) has to buy something from Suna so they begin their traveling.

"Why are we going to Suna again?" Minato asked in curiosity

"We're going to buy some senbon needles there, because unfortunately Konoha doesn't have anything left." (Y/n) replied

They finally arrived at Suna, surprisingly they didn't run into some ninjas.

After (y/n) got what she wanted they were about to go back but (y/n) saw an adorable little red haired kid all alone so they approached him.

"Hi there, why are you doing here all alone?" (Y/n) asked and the kid looked around if he really is the one she is referring to.

When he saw that he is all alone, he finally replied.

"They have been avoiding me, they said that I'm a monster, no one is being nice to me." He said

"Why would they think that you are a monster? All I see here is a cute adorable child, how about I'll be your friend instead." (Y/n) said

Gaara was surprised the lady didn't just talk to him but she also wants to be friends with him, he saw that (y/n) didn't want to harm him so he accepted her offer.

She then hugged him, which again surprised him because his sand didn't attack her.

"Just write some letters because I didn't live here, just call me (n/n) okay?" She said and Gaara nodded

"Hai and please call me Gaara" Gaara said and smiled but then some suna ninjas came running towards them.

"See you Gaara" (y/n) waved and teleported at her house with Minato.



"Do you want to eat with me?"


So (y/n) make Minato visible and they started to eat, Minato really liked to eat the foods (y/n) makes because it's so delicious.


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