chapter 7

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(Next morning)

"Hinata, Sakura, your Sensei's recommended you two to enter the chunin exam and I know that you two are more than ready so I won't stop you from entering, though you two will be temporary a team for a while" (Y/n) smiled at them and handed them the papers.

Hinata and Sakura hold the paper and looked at each other and smiled.

"Arigato! (Y/n)-sensei!" The both of them exclaimed and hugged (Y/n).

Minato looked at them with a smile.

"Let's go! I will walk with you two because I will also had something to buy at the leaf village" (Y/n) said and the two nodded, they then grabbed their things.

While the girls grabbed their things (Y/n) turn around and look at Minato.

"Do you want to come too Minato?" (Y/n) asked "Yeah, I think so I didn't have anything to do anyways because you know I'm dead..." Minato said and (Y/n) giggled "did you told them that you will fight them at the exam?" Minato asked

"I didn't tell them, I want it to be a surprise, and besides I will be putting one of my disguise on." (Y/n) replied

When they finished their talking the two girls finally finished from grabbing their things.

(Time Skip)

When they arrived back at Konoha, Sakura and Hinata wear their mask on, they want it to be a surprise for their team.

"Alright girls, I think I will go now have fun with your exam!" (Y/n) said as she walked away while waving at them.

"Come on Minato follow me." (Y/n) whispered at the ghost, they then walked in the forest and then stopped when the people cannot see them anymore.

"I will make you visible this time Minato but you will use a transformation jutsu to hide your identity and also just in case put a genjutsu at yourself if you accidentally drop the transformation." Minato nodded as (Y/n) made him visible.

He then transformed into a boy with a red hair

He then transformed into a boy with a red hair

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(His transformation is like this⬆️)

(Y/n) also grabbed her disguise, it was gifted from one of her friends at the past, and put it on but she made Minato turn around so he won't see her naked.

(Y/n) also grabbed her disguise, it was gifted from one of her friends at the past, and put it on but she made Minato turn around so he won't see her naked

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She changed her eyes and made her height small by using the transformation jutsu. (You must be wondering why she didn't use the transformation to make her appearance change, that's because she wants to wear the gift that her friend Shinobu gifted to her.)

"Done! You can look now." (Y/n) said and Minato turned around and saw (Y/n), when he saw her his eyes widened and blushed.

"Beautiful." He blurted out making (Y/n) giggled. "Thank you Minato." Smiled (Y/n).

Sorry if it's short.

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