chapter 9

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"Shall we begin?"

Sakura POV

'Who is she? She looks just like (Y/n)-sensei but the only difference is her hairstyle, attitude, and her height.' I thought as I observed my opponent.

"Ara~ ara~ none of you two will attack?~" The girl wearing a butterfly haori mocked.

Hinata's POV

'Do not attack first unless you will see an opening, let the enemy do it.'

(Y/n)-sensei's voice repeat in my head.

"I'm going first then!" The girl wearing a butterfly haori exclaimed.

My eyes widened when she run, her speed was unexpected.

Third POV

'SO FAST!' Hinata and Sakura exclaimed in their minds as they both barely dodged the attack that is aimed at them.

The rest of the rookie nine look at the battle intensely, so is their sensei's.

Sakura and Hinata look at each other and nod.

'You don't need to become strong to win the battle, you only need strategies and team work for you to win.'

"SAKURA-CHAN!" Hinata called as a signal for Sakura, Sakura immediately took action.

"CHA!" She punched the ground causing it to break, the debris got thrown everywhere and it also made the dust to his them.

Using this as an advantage, hinata attacked.

Total concentration: Water breathing, first form: Water surface slash!

'A BREATHING TECHNIQUE!' Jonins thought in surprise including Orochimaru who was fascinated by the technique.

Hinata attacked a powerful single concentrated slash but (Y/n) dodged it pretty easily.

'Not bad, they are improving' thought (Y/n) but she didn't expect the second attack she will receive.

Love breathing: First form; Shivers of first love!

Sakura surprised attack (Y/n) as she dashes forward to her with a series of extended whip slashes.

She managed to injured her but turns out that it was just a clone.

"Sensei, what was that attack that they used?" Ino asked making them all interested of what is the answer.

"It's a breathing techniques that exist in the taisho era where demons still exist." Asuma explained.

"Taisho Era... That's a pretty long time, how did you still know it Asuma-sensei?" Shikamaru asked him.


"Someone wrote a book of their existence and all of their experiences, that someone is the one who give the book that they wrote at the first hokage." This time, Guy was the one who said it.

"But... The one that we got confused at is how Sakura and Hinata learned the breathing techniques because you can't achieve it when there isn't someone teaching them." Kakashi stated, Kurenai then spoke "so this only means that they met someone who is capable of using the breathing techniques."

"That is impossible though, all of them died a long time ago." Guy said.

They stopped their chatting and focus to the battle.

Insect breathing: butterfly dance; Caprice!

(Y/n) leaps through the air and charges towards Sakura, as she was about to sting Sakura with the tip of her blade, Hinata intervene.

"Sakura-chan!" Hinata yelled "eight trigrams vacuum palm!"

She managed to make (Y/n)'s blade fly out of her hold.

Neji, who couldn't believe what he is seeing, is speechless.

Hinata immediately, goes in front of Sakura as she got on her hyuuga fighting style stance.

"You have to go through me first before attacking her" Hinata declared, Sakura was surprised.

"Hinata-chan..." She whispered, (Y/n) saw the image of Nezuko protecting tanjiro, instead of Hinata protecting Sakura.

She smiled softly and took a step forward to them, Hinata and Sakura was in high alert encase she will attack.

(Y/n) raised her hands, all of the people that is watching held their breaths except Gaara and Neji.

But was surprised them was that she pat Hinata and Sakura's head.

"Huh?" Both Sakura and Hinata was surprised as they let their guard down.

"You both pass, Hinata-chan, Sakura-chan, congratulations." (Y/n) released her transformation technique, making their eyes widened including Kakashi and Naruto.

"(Y/n)-sensei?!" Hinata and Sakura exclaimed

"(N/n)-chan?!" Naruto yelled in shock, he jumped down at the arena and hug her, making her chuckle and also pat his head.

"Well, congratulations for making in the final round Naruto, Hinata, Sakura." She said with a closed eye smile.


Brrr, I cut it short, it was supposed to be a long chapter but I reserved the other one for the other chapter. ✌(◕‿-)✌

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