chapter 5

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(2 days later)

Sakura and Hinata can't believe it. They finished the task in two days, all they have to do now is open the testing door.

"Sakura, I think you should go first" Hinata said

"Are you sure Hinata-chan?" Sakura asked and Hinata nodded

So Sakura positioned herself in front of the testing door and tried to push it, the door only moved slowly and closed immediately which resulted for Sakura to be thrown back and landed to the ground on her back.

"Argh!" Sakura groaned, Hinata then run to her to help her get up "are you okay Sakura-chan?" Hinata asked

"Yeah" Sakura replied but then she looked at her hands, Hinata noticed it so she put her hand to Sakura's shoulder to comfort her.

"Don't worry Sakura-chan we will figure it out" Hinata said and smiled to cheer her friend

"Yeah, your right!" Sakura and Hinata then looked back at the door thinking about how to open it, they then remembered what (Y/n) said


"The smallest door weights two ton's, and the bigger door weights is twice as much as the first door"

~end flashback~

'That's it!' the two thought together, they then looked at each other with a wide smile

"We just have to take off this weights that Sensei give to us" Hinata said and Sakura nodded "Yeah! She let us train with this on so that we can have the strength to push the door open without the weights on!"

The two take off the weights that (Y/n) gives to them and Sakura then started to push the door again. This time Sakura opened it up to the second door the same goes for Hinata.

"We did it!" The two girls hugged each other in happiness, they then heard someone clapping

"Good job girls" (Y/n) said smiling at them, the two girls then run towards her and launched them selves to (Y/n) to hug her.

"(Y/n)-sensei!" The two exclaimed  happily and hugged (Y/n), while (Y/n) chuckled at them and  hugged them back.

"Now put those weights back on" (Y/n) said and let go from the hug, the two girls then nodded and wear the bracelets and anklets back on.

"What are we doing now
(Y/n)-sensei?" Sakura asked while Hinata listened

"We're going to celebrate for your achievement of course!" (Y/n) said happily while clasping her hands together

"We're going to celebrate for your achievement of course!" (Y/n) said happily while clasping her hands together

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(Time skip)

(Y/n) teleported Sakura, Hinata, and herself to the waterfall

(Y/n) teleported Sakura, Hinata, and herself to the waterfall

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