Chapter 11

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Third POV

'Wow, it's really abandoned...' Thought Y/n as she watched how worn out the compound is, but she could see the ghost though, they are still lurking.

She ignored them, as she could feel their aura is starting to turn into vengeance. 'Some of their limbs or parts of their bodies probably got separated before their last breath or after that. Since even though one person is dead, we can't still confirm it as such, because the last that will not function is our hearing.' She stated in her head.

"Well, look around for a while since we aren't been here since you know..." Hashirama spoke, he couldn't take the silence, making Y/n nod, the three separate themselves, as they tour around the compound, while Y/n.

She walked towards a certain which is a koi pond. Y/n remembered her picnic with a certain Uchiha heir there, when she arrived, she saw that the place is still as healthy as it was from before.

"I can't believe it's still here." She smiled as she inhaled the refreshing air and started to dance while humming a song, all of a sudden, she bumped into someone's chest.

"Wha-!" Before she could out balance herself, someone caught her, as the person's hand is holding her hips.

"Hn. Be careful." A familiar voice said, Y/n looked up and her eyes widened at what she is seeing.

"Ma... Madara...?" She spoke in surprise, Madara smirked. "Yes, my love." He respond.

Y/n pushed him away from her, and huffed. "I told you, don't call me that, we aren't even a thing." She stated as she removed some imaginary dust from her outfit.

"Yet. You will be mine eventually." Madara highly replied, Y/n rolled her eyes. "How can someone be dead be my husband when his even dead anyways?" She stated, Madara only smirked. "Hn"

Y/n turned around to leave. "Hey Y/n wait!" Y/n however didn't listen, that is until, Madara grabbed her wrist. "Madara! What the h-" He flickered Y/n's  forehead and disappeared. "I won't let Hashirama and Tobirama keep you away from me." That was all she heard, before her ears started ringing, as her head was pounding so badly.

"I'll be here with you no matter what..." A voice in her head said, as she collapsed onto the ground. "" Y/n said and lost her consciousness.

Still not in the right mood to write but at least it's better than nothing at all. :(

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