chapter 6

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(After their training)

"Okay girls! Just remember what I thought you and you will be fine."
(Y/n) said to them while looking for something at her cabinet.

"Hai! (Y/n)-sensei!" The two girls replied

Minato who was watching them sweat dropped at her forgetfulness.
"I think your getting old (Y/n), you couldn't even remember where you put it" Minato teased, it made (Y/n)'s eyebrow twitch in annoyance and her little students noticed it.

"Are you okay (Y/n)-sensei?" Sakura asked and Hinata nodded "d-do you want us to help Sensei?"

"Don't worry I'm fine and thanks for the offer Hinata but I got this. AHA! Finally found it!" (Y/n) exclaimed in happiness

Hinata and Sakura saw their Sensei pulled out two scrolls, one blue and the other is red.

"This is for you Hinata and this one is for you Sakura" (Y/n) gave the blue scoll to Hinata and the red one to Sakura

"What's this sensei?" Asked Sakura

"Open it" (Y/n) said with a smile

The two girls then do as told and in a poof of smoke it revealed a one Haori and one sword.

"S-sugoi!" Hinata and Sakura exclaimed and then wear the haori that (Y/n) gifted to them.

(Hinata's haori)

(Sakura's haori)

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(Sakura's haori)

"It's suits you really well!" (Y/n) said and clasp her hands together "I hope you liked it! I really made it just for the two of you!"

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"It's suits you really well!" (Y/n) said and clasp her hands together "I hope you liked it! I really made it just for the two of you!"

"Arigato! (Y/n)-sensei!" They said and (Y/n) giggled "now on to the color changing sword. You go first Hina-chan" the said girl nodded

Hinata grabbed her color changing sword and removed it out of it's sheath, the sword's color then changed into blue

"Okay my turn!" Sakura exclaimed and removed her sword out of it's sheath, the color of her sword changed into pink

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"Okay my turn!" Sakura exclaimed and removed her sword out of it's sheath, the color of her sword changed into pink

"Okay my turn!" Sakura exclaimed and removed her sword out of it's sheath, the color of her sword changed into pink

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They then put back their sword

"Now that is done! Let's go to your first mission!" (Y/n) announced to them

"R-really!" They said in surprise

"Hmm!" (Y/n) nodded "we will hunt some demons at night but first let me change" she added as she push the two girls out of her room , she then closed the door and looked at Minato.

"Well" (y/n) said while pointing her finger at the door.

"Right! My bad" Minato scratched his head and walked through the door.

(Y/n) then sighed and get changed to one of her battling outfit and styled her hair in a high ponytail.

(Y/n) then sighed and get changed to one of her battling outfit and styled her hair in a high ponytail

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(Time skip)

~at night~

"You ready girls?" (Y/n) asked when she walked outside of her house with Minato following from behind her.

"Hai!" The two girls replied

"Okay put this on" (Y/n) handed them a mask and they wear it.

"Let's go!" (Y/n) said and they jumped from tree to tree to hunt for some demons.

"(Y-y/n)-sensei I-I thought that the man-eating demons are long gone." Hinata said

"No. That is only a lie so people wouldn't get scared anymore, the truth is....the demons are still alive but is hiding they only come out at night and hunt for people at a secluded areas, but the King of demons are dead and there are only some of them are alive." (Y/n) explained to them.

"Why do the man-eating demons hunt humans Sensei?" Sakura asked and Minato listened carefully.

"Well... When the demons eat humans it made them stronger but I meet some good demons that refused to eat humans" (Y/n) said to them.

"How did you know all of this sensei?" Sakura questioned

"Believe it or not I'm really older than I look" (Y/n) giggled


Minato laughed at their reaction. They then stopped when they saw a man-eating demons down below eating a human.

"Well... go on girls" (Y/n) said and they immediately jumped down from the tree and attacked the man-eating demons.

"You trained them well (Y/n)" Minato said when they saw them kill the man-eating demons without breathing styles.

"Congrats girls!" (Y/n) clapped and the two girls smiled at their success.

'they surely grown fast, I'm proud of them.' thought (Y/n) "(Y/n) do you think their ready?" Minato asked at (Y/n) nodded.

"Their more than ready"


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