chapter 4

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"Okay, I want you two to put this on your hands and ankles"

When the two of them put it on, they immediately fall to the ground because of the weight that (Y/n) put in the anklet and bracelet

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When the two of them put it on, they immediately fall to the ground because of the weight that (Y/n) put in the anklet and bracelet.

"Sensei...this is so heavy" Sakura said, struggling to get up along with Hinata.

"Don't worry you will get used to it, now let's begin our training" (Y/n) said and grabbed both of their shoulder and teleported at a giant wall

"Don't worry you will get used to it, now let's begin our training" (Y/n) said and grabbed both of their shoulder and teleported at a giant wall

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"As you can see this wall over here is actually not a wall but it's a door..."
(Y/n) said, Sakura and Hinata looked at the door in awe "I want you two to open it, the smallest door weights two ton's, and the bigger door weights is twice as much as the first door"
(Y/n) explained

"But Sensei, how can we open it?" Sakura asked

"You just have to push it, now I want you to follow this schedule, I will just come here if you have finished the task" (Y/n) said and disappeared

When (Y/n) disappeared, Sakura and Hinata looked at the schedule that
(Y/n) has given to them.

1. Push-ups 50×
2. Sit-ups 50×
3. Run down and back up at the mountain 10× avoid the traps as much as possible
4. Push the boulder around the door 10x
5. You have to survive on your own

After they finished reading they sweat dropped and looked at each other.

'Is sensei trying to kill us?' they thought

They then started their hellish training.


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