chapter 2

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Team 7's POV:

"YAY! I can't wait to tell (N/n)-san about this!" Naruto said excitedly

The name Naruto mentioned caught the teams attention.

"Who?" Kakashi asked but Naruto ignored him and continued to talk.

"Oh! I know!" Naruto appeared in front of Kakashi, which made the man took a step back.

"Kakashi-sensei! Can we go to
(y/n)-san's house!? I bet she would like to meet you!" He said that made kakashi think.

'if I would agree, I can meet this person Naruto always talk about and I would know if that person is a threat to the village.'

"Alright, lead the way Naruto" he said while doing his closed eyed smile.

"YATTA!" Naruto said and begin to lead the way in a fast pace.

"Wait for us Naruto!" Sakura said while they we're trying to catch up to him.

"Hn, dobe"

(Time skip)

"Naruto are you sure there is someone that lives here?" Kakashi asked because they are in the middle of the forest.

"Yeah! Dattebayo!" Naruto replied

After a while of walking they heard someone swiping while humming a song.

Naruto then fastened his pace and the other also followed.

At a distance you could see someone swiping.

"(N/n)-san!!!" Naruto called while waving his hand, the person then turned and waved back to Naruto.

He then jumped at her arms and hugged her while (y/n) hugged back.

At the back the others just got arrived and out of breath.

"You should have waited for us Naruto!!!" Sakura said angrily.

"Hehehehe, sorry Sakura-chan" Naruto said while scratching his head

"Anyway! (Y/n)-san meet my teammates and Sensei" Naruto said, when the team looked at (y/n) they blushes.

'she's soo pretty, I hope she's single' sakura thought while blushing

'hn, how did the dobe meet her anyway?' Sasuke thought also blushing

'Naruto you lucky idiot' thought kakashi blushing behind his mask

When Minato saw them blushing he glared, he didn't care if it was Kakashi or not.

"Nice to meet you all, please come inside so I can get you something"
(y/n) said and they all went inside after telling her their names.

(Y/n) then put tea and muffins at the table for them to eat.

(Y/n) then put tea and muffins at the table for them to eat

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"Yeah! Muffins!" Naruto did a happy dance

while (y/n) chuckled and Minato sulked, he couldn't taste the muffins because Naruto and his teammates are here

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while (y/n) chuckled and Minato sulked, he couldn't taste the muffins because Naruto and his teammates are here.

She then sit at the chairs with them and took a sip of her tea.

"So, why did you come to my home?" (Y/n) started

"Well, Naruto asked for my permission if we could come to your home and I was curious so I agreed" kakashi stated.

"I'm glad though, I was lonely sometimes" (y/n) smiled and looked at the genin who enjoyed the muffins and surprisingly including Sasuke.

"Sakura can we talk for a moment, in private?" (Y/n) asked and Sakura nodded.

(Y/n) lead her at the back of her house with Minato following but (y/n) doesn't mind.

"What do you want to talk about
(y/n)-san?" Sakura asked

"Sakura, do you want to be stronger?" (Y/n) said

"Hai! I want to be stronger!" She said

"In what purpose Sakura?"

"I... I want Sasuke-kun to notice me" Sakura answered honestly.

(Y/n) sighed "why do you like him Sakura? What do you see in him?"

"I.....I.... I don't know" she said looking down sadly

"Well, we can't have that answer. When you have the right answer come at my house tomorrow, though can you also bring the girl that has short blue hair?" (Y/n) said

"You mean Hinata?" Sakura asked and (y/n) nodded.

After that the team went back to the leaf village while Sakura is thinking why she like Sasuke in the first place.


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