chapter 3

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(The next day)

It was early in the morning and (y/n) was eating breakfast with Minato while waiting for Sakura to come, she knows that Sakura was gonna come because she saw the determination in her eyes.

A minutes later they heard a knock at the door, and Minato is now back to being invisible.

"Coming!" (Y/n) stood up and walked towards the door, when she opened it she saw Sakura and the girl Hinata in front of her.

"I see that you finally have an answer Sakura, and Hinata right?" (Y/n) said and Hinata shyly nodded.

"Why don't you come in and we can have a conversation" (y/n) said and stepped aside so they can come in.

When they come inside (y/n)'s house, (y/n) prepared something for them to eat.

When they come inside (y/n)'s house, (y/n) prepared something for them to eat

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"So?" (Y/n) started

"(Y-y/n)-san, I-I realized that..... I realized that I really didn't love Sasuke! I only being a fangirl of him because I don't want Ino to ignore me! So please! Please teach me
(y/n)-san!" Sakura said while begging (y/n).

"And what about you Hinata-chan?"

"I-I w-want t-to p-prove t-to m-my f-father t-that I-I w-wasn't a-a f-failure! So please teach me too
(y/n)-san!" Hinata also begged.

"That's good to hear! But why don't you eat first, I'm sure you are hungry" (y/n) said and gestured them to eat the donuts, while she has something to do.

"I just have to write something" (y/n) then excused herself at them and went to her room and started writing a message to the hokage, that Sakura Haruno and Hinata Hyuga will be in her care until the chunin exam comes or if they have a mission.

"Make sure to bring this directly to the Hokage" (y/n) said to her crow.

"Caw! Caw! Understood (y/n)-sama! Caw! Caw!" Her crow (c/n) then fly towards Konoha.

Hiruzen's pov:

"I Kakashi Hatake, will recommend Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno for the chunin exam" Kakashi said and then followed by the others.

"W-wait a minute!? Hokage-sama!-" before Iruka could finish, something interrupted him.

"Caw! Caw! Massage for Hokage-sama! Caw! Caw!" The crow then landed at the hokage's table, while the others are standing like a statue, because never in there life they had seen a crow can talk, well, except for the summoning animals.

The crow then handed the massage to the hokage "Caw! Master said that you should read it, caw!" The hokage nodded, while the crow is waiting at the table.

When the hokage finished reading, he put it in his desk to secure it, he then looked at (c/n) "Tell her that, thank you for telling me"

"Understood! Hokage-sama! Caw! Caw!" The crow (c/n) flapped her wings and fly out of the window.

"Oh! And say Hi for me to her!" The hokage said and then he turned back at the jonins.

"Kakashi and Kurenai" I called

"Hai!" The said two jonin replied

"I just want you to know that Hinata and Sakura will not be here for a while, but don't worry they will be back when the chunin exam is started." I said to them and the two nodded in understanding.

Author's pov:

"Brother isn't that (y/n)'s crow!?!?" Hashirama said while shaking his brother's shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm glad she's still there"


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