Chapter 44

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Su Qian's eyes were very light, and he stared at He Qingyuan in an instant.

Seeing this, He Qingyuan was complacent. Just as she wanted to say it again, Su Qian had turned her eyes away as if nothing had happened, focused on the banana tree again, and gently said "Oh".

This calm and leisurely appearance confused He Qingyuan a little.

She tried all kinds of ways to finally learn about Xixi from Duan Jixu. In her experience, no girl would be willing to make a substitute, especially this senior sister Su obviously did not know Xixi's identity.

For Su Qian's indifference, He Qingyuan was sure that she must be pretending to be calm.

"Don't you care?"

"It has nothing to do with me." Su Qian's expression was as plain as her eyes.

No wonder the schoolgirl repeatedly showed her goodwill to herself and specially found an opportunity to get along with each other.

So, isn't the drunkard's intention of drinking?

He Qingyuan was surprised in her heart, but she still looked like a good man on her face. "If the senior sister feels uncomfortable, she can talk to me..."

Su Qian interrupted her with a smile, "Not feeling well? Why?"

He Qingyuan: "..."

Next to the banana tree, there are some unknown flowers, goose yellow, and dewdrops rolling on the petals. Su Qian ignored her and bent down to pick them.

He Qingyuan, who has always been sharp-mouthed, couldn't help stuttering at this moment: "Senior sister, don't you care if there are other girls in Lu Yan's heart?"

"Don't care."

With a categorically answer, He Qingyuan was choked and couldn't speak for a long time.

Su Qian picked a flower, fiddled with the petals, turned his head and looked at He Qingyuan. Her dark and wet eyes bent, like two shallow crescent moons. "Do you care?"

He Qingyuan doesn't know how to reply.

"If you care, you can talk to him yourself."

A soft nail stuck in her heart, and He Qingyuan was a little ashamed.

"Senither doesn't care because your purpose with Lu Yan is not pure?"

I learned something from Duan Jixu. At first, He Qingyuan was still very strange. People like Lu Yan who like a girl still need to use this strange method. Obviously, this person only needs one look and a smile to teach people to be crisp physically and mentally.

But after listening to Duan Qian, she was surprised for a long time. At this time, when she heard Su Qian's words, it was completely unrelated to her. He Qingyuan was angry and jealous at the same time.

Seeing Su Qian's failure to answer, He Qingyuan simply took off the mask of hypocrisy. "I heard that my senior sister's family owed a lot of money, and my senior grandmother was also sick and hospitalized, and Lu Yan paid for you, right? In this case, why do seniors pretend to be very noble, work part-time as tutors, and even do those low-level jobs in western restaurants?

He Qingyuan smiled sarcastically, "It's better to go to the bar. The senior sister is so beautiful that she may make a lot of money? Senior sister wants to prove to Lu Yan that your height or your innocence?"

"Low level?" Su Qian smiled and looked straight at her, "Will you make money?"


"If I don't steal or rob, how can I get the reward I deserve with my own hands? It's you. Have you ever made money yourself? But he squandered his parents' money recklessly, and finally turned to laugh at those who worked hard. In my opinion, you are not a low-level, but--"

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