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The girl opened her eyes, getting a bearing of her surroundings. She was slightly confused, she realized she was in a spaceship, everything came back to her. She was part of what was called the Eternals; they had been created by Arishem, a Celestial, to exterminate the Deviants. They were sent to Earth, with the sole purpose of protecting humans from the threat that the Deviants posed.

As she slowly got her bearings, she realized she stood next to other people, some already roaming the ship while others still stood in their places. She looked down at her own body, she wore armor, white with silver accents. Looking around she saw that there were ten others like her, although they wore different colored armor.

The girl decided to explore the ship. The ship had big windows that looked out to their destination, the blue and green planet. She stood in front of the window mesmerized by the view. She felt a presence next to her, she glanced sideways to be met by a boy with black armor.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" the boy exclaimed to no one in particular.

The girl smiled and nodded. "It's breathtaking" She replied.

"I am Druig. And you might be?"

Before she got a chance to respond, they were interrupted by the blue and gold armored, eternal speaking.

"I'm Ajak. We will arrive shortly at our destination, it is a pleasure to be working with you." She said as she sized everyone. As if on cue the rest of the Eternals started to present themselves to each other.

"I'm Ikaris." said a guy with a gray streak in his hair.

"Sersi." Said the woman beside him with a gentle smile.

"I'm Kingo. At your service" said another man with a cocky smile.

"I'm Gilgamesh." Said a buff man, she could already sense that his power must come from his strength. The elegant woman beside him presented herself as Thena.

The youngest among them was Sprite.

"I'm Phastos." Said the man in purple armor and a calculating look on his face, as if he was thinking about multiple things at once.

"I'm Makkari" the red armored woman signed. Soon the girl realized that she could understand the sign language as if it was ingrained in her brain.

The boy who stood beside her presented himself to the rest of the crew. That left her to be the last one to introduce herself.

"I'm Metzi." As she said her name, the guy raised an eyebrow at her.

"A pleasure, Metzi." Druig said bowing his head to her, before leaving to talk to the other.

Metzi stood watching him go, then turned to the view in front of her. She saw Earth, her home for the next centuries or as long as it would take to eliminate every Deviant. Metzi decided to get acquainted with the group, joining them in the middle of the ship. They were discussing their powers. It seemed as if some of them were born fighters; Ikaris, Gilgamesh, Thena, Makkari, Kingo. The rest were more of the intellect of the group; Phastos, Ajak, Druig, Sprite, Sersi. Although Metzi did not know where her powers made her stand, she tried explaining to the group that her powers came from the moon, but many had confused and intrigued looks on their faces.

"We have arrived. You already know what our duty is" Ajak announced as their heads whipped to the sound of the Domo's door opening. They neared the doors, trying to get a glimpse of the new planet.

Metzi could make out a settlement not far from where they stood, just on the shore. It seemed that their presence did not go unnoticed, she could already feel the presence of Deviants.

"They are near." She declared as a matter of fact to the rest.

Promptly they could see Deviants making their way to terrorize the people from the settlement. Without losing time Ikaris flew down, Makkari sped to keep the people from harm's way. Metzi flew down as well, in case they needed any aid but it seemed that Ikaris had it under control. The rest stood waiting for the ship to get near to land.

Shortly after, the Deviants were killed and the settlement now stood with their weapons raised in defense. Metzi could feel their uncertainty towards them but also some intrigue that they couldn't hide. The Eternals now stood in line, Ajak in front as if naturally they knew she was the leader. At Ajak's command, Sersi made her way to the child that had come near them, offering them a knife as Sersi took it, she converted the knife into a more sophisticated weapon and gave it back.

Metzi smiled at herself. If this was their duty, to safeguard humans, she could get used to it. She could already feel her curiosity on their way of life peak. Unbeknownst to her Druig watched her as she, trailing after Sersi, made her way to meet the people from the settlement. It seemed as if she could easily establish trust with the people, getting a tour of the commune after just a few exchanged words. The rest of the Eternals trailed behind her.

Just me, her & the moon | druigWhere stories live. Discover now