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The room was silent, you could hear a pin drop, no one dared to say anything. Druig sighed, closed his eyes, and left the room just like Metzi had. He could sense her, it was easier given that her thoughts were screaming. Druig stood outside, unmoving, calming his racing thoughts and heart. Then he followed Metzi into the forest, following her thoughts. Finally, he found her, sitting down in front of a tree, back leaning against it, eyes closed as her head leaned against the trunk of the tree. He stood still looking at her, it was the first time he actually looked at her since they had arrived. It was a good thing because as he observed her, his breath catching on his throat, it was like a punch to the gut. She looked just like the last time they were together, yet she managed to look even more beautiful.

"Are you gonna stand there like a creep or do you need something?" Metzi snapped him out of his thoughts. He cleared his throat as he stepped closer to her, standing just a few feet from her. He didn't even know why he followed her, it had just been out of instinct.

"How are you?" Druig cursed himself, the first thing he had said to her and it was a 'how are you'. He heard her scoff, he knew that she had also rolled her eyes even if he hadn't looked at her.

"I'm peachy. Thanks for asking, although I think it's a few years overdue." Metzi said sarcastically, glaring at him. Druig grew defeated, he knew the way he had handled everything in Tenochtitlan hadn't been the best way to do so, yet he didn't know how to approach the topic with her. Despite having centuries to think about it, now that he had to do it his mind went blank. So, instead, he did what he knew best to do seem as distant and detached as he could.

"What do you want from me? No one can win with you, can they?" He said scornfully.

"Oh please, look who's talking. You haven't changed one bit. Whenever someone just wants to talk to you, you don't bother to listen." Metzi said to him, she stood up. "You are as arrogant and selfish as the day you left me."

Metzi passed beside him, done with him. He had followed her out here, but for what. It was clear he did not want to talk. As he brushed past him, he grabbed her arm. She turned to him, confused, he was opening his mouth to say something when, for the second time that week, she heard the all to known shriek.

"Deviants." They said at the same time. They took off running towards the community. As they arrived they saw Sprite and Kingo fighting a Deviant, keeping it away from Sersi while she was distracting another monster. Gilgamesh, Thena and Ikaris nowhere to be seen.

"Get your people inside a building." Metzi ordered Druig, he complied without thinking twice.

She took out her two daggers, ready to help Sersi. Coming up behind the Deviant, she slashed at its legs, rapidly. Finally the Deviant took interest in Metzi, giving Sersi time to go up to Druig and fortify the building where the rest of the people were hiding. Meanwhile, Metzi was dodging the Deviant, she had won an advantage as she slashed at its legs but soon she realized it wasn't doing any real damage since it could heal itself. Metzi cursed under her breath. Still, she kept on going, the monster snarled and tried to pounce at her, she ducked and rolled to the other side. The Deviant looked confused when it didn't see her, soon it realized where she was and turned to look at her.

Metzi couldn't do much right now, it was still day so conjuring her somewhat new powers would most likely knock her out and she wouldn't even be able to kill the Deviant. As she was trying to come up with a plan, she heard gunshots and saw that the Deviant's attention was no longer on her. Metzi saw Druig with the gun, the robe was long forgotten as he was with a gray sleeveless shirt, muscles on display.

For a split second Metzi got distracted, though she came back when she saw the Deviant attack her. As she had tried to dodge its claw she had reacted a little too late, its claw gracing her arm. It wasn't a big wound though it was enough for the pain to get her by surprise as she let her dagger fall to clutch her wounded arm.

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