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Druig and Metzi became closer. Even so, neither of them would outright express their feelings to each other. While the rest of the Eternals could blatantly see the difference in how Druig carried himself around the rest and how he acted around Metzi, they had decided not to interfere. Instead, the rest of the Eternals had bet to see how long it would take for both of them to realize their feelings were mutual. The answer: it took them another half a century until they explicitly announced their feeling to one another.

They had helped the Romans with their new Empire, killing all nearby Deviants and Phastos giving them some new invention that was not too advanced. Metzi and Druig decided to go out for a walk, they ended up settling on walking through the plaza and exploring the buildings. They were walking side by side, hands brushing ever so slightly. Walking in comfortable silence, neither had anything to say but they didn't mind.

Metzi was looking around, amazed at how far each civilization had come since they had arrived. The architecture was breathtaking and sturdy, the sculptures that adorned the forum were impeccable. As she kept walking she sensed that Druig was not beside her anymore, so she turned around only to find him fixated in the sky. Metzi walked towards him and looked at what he was observing, the moon.

"What are we watching, Dru?" She said if it was any other Eternal the nickname would've been off-limits but Druig had a soft spot for her.

"The moon, it's stunning." He said as he glanced at Metzi who was now looking at the moon.

Druig stared at her, dumbstruck by how beautiful she looked under the light the moon emitted. He froze for a second, overwhelmed by the feeling of adoration for Metzi, he can no longer deny that he felt something far deeper than a platonic attraction.

"You look beautiful." Metzi turned to him, taken by surprise, she smiled shyly at him.

"Why, thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."

Even with both of their powers, the two love birds were too oblivious. Druig had sworn to himself to not listen in to Metzi's thoughts, not wanting to break her trust. Although he did let himself sense when her mind was crowded with thoughts, which helped him know when something was up. And Metzi's intuition, which never failed her, was clouded by her own nervousness. Going too fast for her to grasp and making her second guess her intuition.

They stared at each other, it was in that moment, both pairs of eyes full of love for each other that they realized it was mutual. Druig leaned forward, gaze flickering between Metzi's eyes and lips. Metzi finally closed the gap between them, too impatient.

Both still remember the kiss, no matter how long it might have been, they remember how slow and gentle it had been. It had been full of longing after all those years. Metzi swears she can still feel Druig's hand cupping her face, and the feeling of his chest as she placed her hands on his chest to stabilize herself.

They were the definition of opposites attract, Druif with his aloof character and Metzi with her outgoing self. Metzi would include Druig in her interactions with humans, learning how to do things their way. Whilst Druig taught Metzi the significance of taking some time off to oneself.

Thanks to her, Druig started to see the good in the people that inhabited Earth, he found a new way of seeing beyond his mission. He saw that their lives were worth saving for the way they cherished their mortality. It was because of Metzi that he understood the reason behind their duty.

Metzi and Druig were not the only ones to fall in love. As they stood in front of Ikaris' and Sersi's wedding, they had realized that what they had was as special as what the newlywed had. They could not hide anymore from their feelings. As Ikaris and Sersi said "I do" in their ceremony, Metzi couldn't help herself and glanced at Druig dumbstruck at her new realization. They had lived many lives together, and they cherish each and every one of them.

"What's going in that head of yours?" Druig

"That could be us." She whispered to him, without thinking.

"Would you want it to be us?" Asked Druig, still looking at the other couple.

Metzi nodded her head, never second-guessing herself.

"Then it will be us, love." Druig made the promise to her, kissing her on the temple. They were in no rush in formalizing their relationship the way humans did, in the end, they had all the time in the world.

That day the Eternals enjoyed themselves, drunk in happiness from the newly formed union. They drank, ate, danced, and laughed between them, like a family. Centuries together had forced them to create that kind of bond between each other. Metzi knew at that moment that they would be there for each other, no matter what.

After the ceremony and the party, they all went back to their rooms, calling it a night. Druig and Metzi were getting ready for bed in their shared room. As they slip inside the covers, Metzi senses anxiousness coming from Druig, she runs her hand through his hair trying to soothe him.

"What are you thinking, Dru?" She whispered, Druig closed his eyes and inhaled, as he exhaled he opened his eyes to meet hers.

"I was just thinking... Immortality seems like a long and lonely time, doesn't it?" Metzi was taken by surprise, she had never guessed that their immortality would be something that would bother Druig.

"I guess so, but we aren't alone we have each other." She chose her words carefully.

"You aren't alone. You will always have me." She said as she grabbed his hand that was resting between them, and rested on her cheek with her hand on top of his.

"I like that. I am yours, and you are mine. " Druig smiled and visibly relaxed.

Metzi hummed, a smile also forming on her face.

"Promise?" Druig asked her.

"I promise." Metzi said without thinking two times about it. She knew for a fact that no matter what, they would choose each other in each and every lifetime they lived. After all, her intuition has never failed her.


a/n: hiiii, I hope you are enjoying reading this. ik the cover is shitty but i did it in a rush, i just have one more week of classes so maybe then i will see if i can make a better one but no promises. <3 thanks for reading.

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