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Light was streaming from the window, the blinds were never shut out of the exhaustion of the night before. Metzi woke up, stretching, feeling her whole body ache. Her wounded arm didn't hurt as much but couldn't be moved that much without it aching. She got out of bed and out of the caning on her way to find the rest of her group.

The Eternals were already gathered in a pavilion she had not seen the day before. They were eating and talking quietly. Everyone had caught up about what happened during the Deviant fight, how they managed to kill two out of the three, how they seemed to be able to heal themselves and how the one who survived had probably sucked Gilgamesh's powers.

Metzi sat down, all eyes on her now. She cursed herself from breaking down yesterday in front of all of them. Their eyes bore on her, without even looking she knew they were full of pity. She had been the closest to Ajak, they knew she was going to take it the hardest yet they hadn't been prepared. Never before seen Metzi like that. On top of it all, she had just seen her ex after millenniums, they knew she had a lot on her plate.

"How are you feeling?" Kingo asked her cautiously.

"Better. I'm famished tho. A nice breakfast would be nice." She said, plastering a smile onto her face. At her answer, everyone seemed to relax.

"Here you are." A villager had come up behind her, with a plate of eggs and bacon. Metzi turned around and saw that the villager had gold eyes.

"Thanks." Quickly looking away from them.

"We need a plan." Ikaris dived right into the issue at hand. They had to assemble the team back together. Phastos and Makkari, the only ones left to contact. Makkari wouldn't be hard to persuade her, on the other hand, Phastos would be another story. While they brainstormed on what to do, Metzi was devouring the breakfast like she had been fasting for the past week. It tasted way too good.

"We need to stop the emergence then, we only have two days. The next stop will be Phastos. Then we can go to Makkari. From there we can plan how we are going to stop the emergence. For that we need you, Druig, are you in?" Sersi summarized everything they had just gone over. The only missing piece was Druig's participation.

"Sure." He nodded. Kingo high-fived Sprite and Serai looked pleased. "On one condition: Metzi agrees to talk to me without insulting me or walking out on me." He added. Everyone froze, looking at Metzi who was too entranced with her breakfast.

"Mmmph?" Metzi exclaimed as they all looked at her.

"We need to talk." Druig said calmly.

Metzi used her inside voice to curse him out loud. That sneaky bastard knew that she would do everything for the group and that she wouldn't let them down. So letting his participation rest on her was a low blow.

"Fine. I can't promise anything though" Metzi agreed as she finished the last bite of her bacon.

"Good enough."

Taking that as a cue, Sersi dragged Ikaris, Kingo, Karun, and Sprite out from the pavilion. Time was of the essence, they couldn't afford to waste it.

"Oh, like now?" Metzi said surprised and taken back. She didn't even know if she was ready.

Now it was only Druig and Metzi, just like last night in the woods. She felt herself cringe, at the time she didn't care about the consequences of her actions, right now it had been such a vulnerable position to let Druig see. She shook the thought away. Dwelling won't do anything, what's done is done.

Silence stretched between them. Druig was observing her, drinking her in. He was trying to read her body language and expression. Even after everything he still respected her privacy and their promise to each other.

"I never got to formally thank you yesterday for the whole saving me, then comforting me and checking up on my arm thing" She broke the awkward silence. "So, thank you."

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." Druig gave her a small smile. "Yesterday, before the attack, you said some things about me. Do you really think that of me?" He looked at her.

"Oh my god." Metzi was exasperated. "That's all you took from what I said? You're just unbelievable. I think you just answered your own question. " Metzi stood up angrily ready to storm off.

"That's not fair. You don't get to say shit about me and walk out." Druig said accusingly. Metzi closed her eyes, inhaled, and exhaled, she knew she constantly walked out of arguments and serious talks because she was too scared of confrontation.

"Go on then." She whispered as she sat back down.

"What do you want from me, Metzi?" He asked her intently. "It happened so long ago, can't we just let it go? Start over?"

That did it for Metzi. She was now furious. How could he ask her to forget the moment he had broken her heart. Broken all the promises they've made to each other. The moment she understood that she wasn't enough to make him stay. He wanted for her to forget it when he couldn't even take accountability for his actions.

"I just want an apology. I wanted you to come back for me, I wanted you not to leave me. You promised." Metzi had stood up, she was breathing hard. Tears were threatening to come out but she kept them at bay, she wasn't willing to show him how much it still affected her.

"I'm sorry." Druig finally said. Head hanging, looking at the ground. "There hasn't been a day that goes by that I don't think of you."

"That's not fair, Druig." She shook her head, averting her eyes. He didn't get to say sorry and then say something like that, something that made her stomach flip.

"I just want you to understand that I do not regret what I did, what I regret is leaving you like that."

Metzi knew that Druig loved humans so much that he couldn't just sit and watch them kill themselves. Not when he had the power in his hands, literally, to stop it and help them. Even when she understood that it still hurt to think that their love was not enough for him to at least talk to her about it.

"I know that, I don't hold that against you. But you never came back, you never tried."

"I wanted to. I didn't know if you wanted to hear from me, so I decided against it." Druig confessed. He had walked towards her, now they were face to face.

"You decided for me, that's not fair." She accused, looking angrily at him. Druig closed his eyes and exhaled, opening his eyes to look at her.

"I must admit I didn't wanna see you look at me with hatred. I wanted to keep the memories we created before everything was doomed." He put a strand of hair behind her ear. His hand so close to her face, lingering on her cheek. Metzi tried her hardest not to lean to his touch.

"Coward." Metzi whispered.

"I really am sorry. I want to do whatever is in my power to amend this. I've missed you." His hand now rested on her cheek, his thumb rubbing soft circles on her cheek.

Metzi's breath hitched on her throat. She had missed him too, but she knew she couldn't forgive him just because of a few nice words he said with those mesmerizing eyes and his accent.

"I can't do this right now." She wrapped her hand around Druig's wrist, pulling it away from her. "I-I forgive you, but you can't expect me to come back running to you just like that."

"I understand." Druig nodded. His hands behind his back. "So, friends?" A shy smile adorned his face.

"Okay." Metzi said carefully. "If you fuck it up once, you will not live to tell it, you hear?" Metzi threatened.

"Got it, alright. No need to get violent." Druig raised his hands in surrender. "Let's go back to the rest, we need to get going and you need to shower." As he said the last part he scrunched his nose. Metzi gasped and pushed him.

"I do not smell." She said, walking beside him. Druig chuckling.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Metzi rolled her eyes. Something felt lighter, going back to a more easy-going interaction with him, it made her feel like a pressure was off her shoulders.


a/n: thank you for 1.1k reads!!! omg <3 btw I got tickets for nwh so I'm hyped aaaaaa

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