Mahtlactli once

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For the last time, or so Metzi hopped, they filled in Makkari about the emergence, that they had to stop it and their plan. Makkari seemed disappointed but Metzi could feel that she also felt relieved that after years they were needed once again. After every single Eternal had been filled in, Phastos did not waste a single second and started working on the "Uni Mind".

Meanwhile everyone else looked around the huge collection of artifacts that Makkari had been able to collect. It was impressive, to say the least. She had used the time to do what she loved most, collect antiques that held historic value, and she had done a great job.

"Can't believe you did get the Emerald tablet." Druig commented as he grabbed what looked like a slab of stone. The comment sparked an animated conversation between them. Metzi looked at them, specifically at Druig though she wouldn't admit it. She analyzed him, the way his eyes closed and wrinkles formed around them when he laughed, the way he listened closely to what Makkari had to say.

"If you take a picture it will last longer." Kingo was behind her, startling her. She turned red, cursing to herself that she got caught staring.

"I swear to god, Kingo. Don't sneak up on people." Metzi ignored Kingo's comment. She didn't want to have to talk about it to anyone, she wasn't even sure if there was anything to talk about.

"Ignoring it won't make it go away." Kingo said, resting against the wall beside him. He was looking at her mischievously.

"I don't know what you mean." The smartest move she could think about at the moment is to act dumb, maybe that would work.

"Mmmmh sure." He rolled his eyes but stayed there looking between Druig and her. For a few seconds, Metzi was able to hold her ground until she couldn't take it anymore.

"Quit it, he is going to notice." Metzi lightly punched Kingo in the arm.

"So you recognize there is something." He grinned at her.

"It is none of your business." She hissed. In reality, she had never really talked about everything that had happened to anyone. Before Tenochtitlan she had Druig, they would be each other's confidant. But after everything, she had no one. She avoided everything to fall into the cliché of the broken-hearted girl who only talked about her ex. So, she didn't and no one pushed her to do so.

"I just, I don't know. We talked and made up, but I don't want to run back to him."She paused, glancing back at Druig who was now sitting where Makkari had sat when they walked in, eating cookies from a box he held. "I guess I'm just scared and a bit mad. We haven't talked since that day, and yet even after everything, I still feel myself being drawn to him."

Kingo looked at her for what felt like forever. Metzi felt like she was being analyzed, she shifted uncomfortably looking everywhere except at him.

"You make it sound so complicated." He shook his head, it wasn't an angry gesture it was more disbelief. "You have all the time in the world, if we stop the emergence, don't rush into things. Take your time. I have faith that you will make the decision that you know is right for you."

Metzi smiled. Kingo's words warmed her heart, she felt assured. For a second, she put the emergence aside, she just wanted to worry about something so mundane as what to do with her love life. During the time she had observed humanity, love seemed to be the central focus for most of them. The devotion and emotions that it brought but also the heartbreak and disappointment. Nevertheless, humans have always wanted to love and be loved, and Metzi did too.

"Thanks." She looked gratefully at Kingo who nodded.

"It's nothing, kid." He made his way to pester Sprite.

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