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A phone was ringing, Metzi groaned as she realized it was her phone. She fumbled for it until she found it and answered.

"Mmmph." She greeted whoever was on the other end.

"Metzi? It's Sersi." That was all it took for Metzi to fully awaken.

"Sersi. Oh my god, thanks for calling me back. Something weird happened to me yesterday."

"Did it involve a Deviant by any chance?"

"How did you know?" Metzi asked shocked, last time she checked Sersi was not the mind reader of the group.

"We had an encounter too." Sirse sighed.

"We? Who's with you?"

"Sprite and Ikaris. And Dane." Sirse said awkwardly.

"Oof, that had to be an awkward encounter." Metzi knew who Dane was, even if Sirse and her did not talk every day they tried to keep up with each other ever so often.

"That's not the problem right now. We are planning to go visit Ajak, see what's going on." Metzi's stomach dropped at the sound of the Eternal's leader.

"I-um Sersi, I fear something happened to Ajak. I have had this feeling for the past week and I've tried to contact Ajak but she hasn't picked up. After, the blip, you know I try to not ignore my intuition." Metzi nervously tried to explain to Sersi. Since the blip happened she felt guilty, even if Ajak was right and Metzi could not have done anything to stop it she couldn't help but feel somewhat responsible.

"With more reason, we should go check up on her." Sirse said.

"I'll go with. I can take a plane and meet you there." She offered.

"Okay. We'll see you there then."

With that, the call ended. Metzi looked for the cheapest and the soonest flight she could take and booked a ticket. She hopes that her intuition was wrong, that nothing bad happened to Ajak, and that it was only the Deviants. She smiles sadly, at least half of them will reunite after years of going their separate ways.

Metzi had told the rest that she would meet them at Ajak's house. Ikaris, Sprite, and Sersi finally arrived. She met them on the porch. She engulfed the three of them in a hug, Ikaris even returned the embrace, she had missed them. Even with the texts and calls she still felt like she hadn't heard of Sersi nor Sprite for so long.

"Shall we?"Ikaris said, it seemed as if he wanted to get it over with.

They entered the house, the front door was unlocked, which seemed a little weird. They called Ajak's name, they separated to look in the different rooms. Sersi and her had gone outside while Ikaris and Sprite searched inside the house. As she took a step outside she saw the shed was scorched, it was weird. She jutted her head to the scorched zone of the shed, showing it to Sersi.

Sersi moved closer trying to see it up close, Metzi following close by. Metzi stopped and surveyed their surroundings, trying to see if there were any signs of someone or something else. As she refocused her attention to Sersi, she saw her on her knees quietly sobbing. Shocked, Metzi joined her, she tried comforting Sersi as much as she could. Metzi could not bear looking at Ajak's graying motionless body, she suppressed a sob.

When she turned to look at Sersi she had gone still looking forward, eyes closed. Trying to shake her out of the trance with no success, Metzi yelled out for the other two Eternals. They quickly came outside, running to them. They circled Sersi, Ikaris called out Sersi shaking her. And that's when she opened her eyes with a gasp, eyes darting between them.

"Are you okay, Sersi?" Ikaris inquiered.

"Y-yeah, I just talked to Arishem." Sersi explained, everyone else shocked.

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