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That same day all of the Eternals that were left gathered to decide what each of them would do. Only Makkari and Thena have decided to leave and explore beyond the planet that they've known for centuries. On the other hand, Phastos would stay with his family, Kingo would continue with his life, Sprite had decided to become a human and Sersi would also stay here.

No one was really surprised with anyone's decision and neither with Metzi's. But when Druig said that he was also staying, everyone did a double-take, thinking they heard wrong.

"You're what?" Sprite was looking at him, blinking in confusion.

"I'm staying." He didn't know why everyone thought it was a big deal. Is not like he hated humans or the Earth.

"Why?" Kingo asked, a knowing look on his face. He was asking just to make them say it not because he didn't know.

Metzi stood frozen in her place. She looked at Kingo with narrowed eyes, she wanted so desperately to vanish. Druig cleared his throat and observed Metzi in the corner of his eyes. Metzi was fumbling with her hands in front of her, while she looked anywhere but at the Eternals.

"They're staying together. Metzi and Druig." Thena said softly after observing their reaction. Her head was cocked to the side, looking at them curiously.

Metzi felt a blush creeping in, she lowered her head trying not to give herself away that easily. Druig stood stoic, his arms behind his back, fingers fiddling. Neither of them accepted or denied the accusation. It was not necessary, their reactions have given them away.

"Bet you 50 bucks that neither will commit," Sprite whispered, or tried since it was still audible to everyone thanks to the silence, to Kingo who's face brightened at the bet. Sersi scolded Sprite with a quick slap on her shoulder and a stern face. Though it was not enough to really stop Kingo and Sprite from continuing their conversation later.

"Ignore them. That's good, I am happy, we all are." Sersi clapped her hands together. Metzi gave her a forced smile while Druig did nothing to acknowledge Sersi's comment.

"Alright. Now that that is sorted we can go." Makkari signed, more towards Thena but still announcing to the rest of the group.

They gave their farewells to Makkari and Thena, wishing them well, telling them to stay safe and out of danger and to call if they needed anything. It was bittersweet, it was the first time that they would be planets away. Yet, both women were ecstatic to go and explore new worlds.

The next to leave was Phastos and Kingo. When they finished exchanging their goodbyes they parted ways, leaving the last four of the Eternals. Sprite was impatiently waiting, she couldn't wait to become human and finally know what it was to live and explore.

Metzi said goodbye to Sprite, giving the girl her phone number in case of any emergency. Sprite rolled her eyes at her, telling her that she was overreacting and maybe she was right but she was still worried for her. Still, Sprite hugged her tightly one last time promising that she would text once in a while to check up on each other.

Next was Sersi, Metzi knew to expect a serious talk with her yet it didn't come.

"Where are you both going?" She asked looking between both of them, turning to look at Druig who was talking with Sprite.

That was a good question, one that Metzi did not know the answer to but it didn't bother her as long as they were together. So to answer Sersi's question she shrugged.

"We haven't ironed out the details." Sersi looked a little worried when she finished. "Sersi, don't worry about us or about me. I will be okay."

"If you need anything, promise you will call me and ask for help." Sersi told her sternly.

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