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During the years they would go from settlement to settlement, targeting the Deviants. Metzi did not miss a beat as she soon asked Thena, the best of all of the fighters, in her opinion,  to train her. She did not want to stand on the sidelines as she saw the rest of them fight the monsters. After some years of Thena beating her ass, she was a pretty decent fighter, she wasn't as good as Thena although now she could put up a fight against her. Metzi's weapon of choice was a pair of gold daggers that have been gifted by the people in Mesopotamia.

They were now in Babylon, Druig and Sprite were in charge of getting all of the civilians into safety behind the walls. As the rest of them fought against the Deviants that had overrun the settlement. It felt so routinary to Metzi at this point, though she did not mind. She liked the rush of the fight as well as knowing that she was doing her duty. Even outnumbered, the Eternals were able to eliminate all the Deviants in their radius, as confirmed by Phastos who had created a sort of gadget that could locate any nearby Deviants.

After their victory, the Babylonians had decided to throw a feast in their name as a thank you for saving them. In the center of it all was Sprite telling everyone their heroic accounts, sometimes adding some dramatization for her own pleasure, using her powers for the visuals. Metzi, Kingo, Ajak, Sirse, Ikaris, Gilgamesh, and Thena sitting nearby listening to it all. Phastos was probably holed up in the main building with his inventions. Makkaris was trying to get a good trade for a tablet she's been trying to get her hands on. Druig was nowhere near the crowd, probably lurking in the edges.

Metzi stood up from where she was seated, wanting to stretch her legs. Or that's what she told herself because she knew that unconsciously she was trying to catch a glimpse of Druig. She circled the crowd, smiling at the 'oh's and 'ah's that Sprite's storytelling received. She had to admit she loved the human need to have something to believe in, a supreme power that explained all the good and the bad, whom they can come to in times of need. She knew that was nowhere near what they were, they weren't Gods, but no one could make humans think otherwise.

"Enjoying the feast?" Metzi was snapped out of her own thoughts by Druig's voice. He was leaning against a wall, far away from the crowd.

"Yes, they always outdo themselves."

"That they do" Druig gave her a small smile.

"I was looking for you. Come join us." Metzi extended her hand towards Druig for him to take.

"You were looking for me?" He cocked his head, trying to hold a smirk. He took her hand only to pull her next to him.

Metzi was taken by surprise but she stayed beside him. She didn't acknowledge his question out of embarrassment that she had admitted that.

"You were really good today." He said without looking at her.

"Thanks." She said trying hard not to blush, she glanced at him shyly. She couldn't deny how good he looked, how his armor fitted him perfectly.

"You don't have to sulk in the background, you know." She said trying to change the subject.

"I know. I just like admiring from afar."  Druig finally looked at her, they made eye contact. She could sense what he really meant but she tried to ignore it. Thinking that it was all in her head.

"So why were you looking for me?" He finally broke the silence, going back to their conversation. 

"I- I was just wondering where you were. It's not the same without you." She fumbled with her words. He made her too nervous.

"I see." He leaned his head on top of hers. She relaxed, resting her head on his shoulder.

The two were unaware of Ajak watching them. Even someone from miles away knew there was something brewing between them. The only impediment was the two oblivious idiots making lovey-dovey eyes to each other. Although Ajak made a promise to herself not to interfere and to wait as long as it took for the both of them to realize their mutual feelings.

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