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Metzi ended up traveling all around the world, sending Ajak a postcard of every city she went to. Although, when she set foot in New York, she instantly fell in love with the city. She had been to almost every city in the world yet she felt drawn to this American city. After touring the world, and visiting all there was to see, she had decided to settle in New York.

At first, she changed apartments every few years so that her landlords and neighbors did not freak out once they realized she did not age. Now, thanks to the Avengers and the blip, people were more open to the idea of people with powers that did not age. So, even when she was annoyed with the Avenger's destructive ways to save people, she thanked them for making people accept her.

It was not the most intelligent thing to live in NYC taking in mind her intuition and extreme empathy. She had sensed the blip hours before, it had been one of the worst feelings yet driving her to the point of having a panic attack. Since then she had been careful on any bad foreboding feeling, quickly contacting Ajak letting her know in case something happened. She had been trying to contact Ajak for a week now, feeling a pit in her stomach, but with no success.

It was night, the sky was clear and the moon was visible. Metzi had decided to take a walk in the park that was behind her complex to calm down and clear her head. Metzi walked under the moonlight, savoring the light it radiated, feeling powerful and strong. Her powers came from the moon, even after centuries there were still some parts of her powers she did not comprehend. She could manipulate tides, water, but also gravity and time to a certain extent. She had been able to cast some moon spells to help heal injuries, sickness, and illnesses. As well as her strong intuition, she could foreshadow if something was doomed, and that made her also be in touch with people's feelings and even be able to manipulate their feelings. Since the moon made her stronger when she was fighting it could help her in her skills. Still, there were things she couldn't fully do like cosmic energy, mainly telekinesis, she had been training alone but it took a toll on her. She let her mind wander far from Ajak until she tired herself and decided to call it a night returning to her place.

The next day she woke up just in time to barely make it to her job, she jumped out of bed and put on some clothes. She arrived at her job, fashionably late. She had been holding this job at a local bookstore that connected with a coffee shop for a few years now, ever since the blip. It made her feel calm and there weren't many emotions she had to deal with, but her own, that could overwhelm her. It was a minimum wage job, she loved her boss, a sweet old lady who even after Metzi's confession of being an Eternal, still thought Metzi needed someone to look after her.

Her shift went uneventful. Just unpacking a new package and stacking the newly arrived books on the shelves. When the clock struck 6 pm, Metzi bid her goodbyes to her co-worker, Mark, and made her way back to her apartment. She put her earphones on and started blasting her usual playlist. Metzi was just two blocks away from her place when her gut told her to go right, she did without questioning it, she also put her phone and earphones in her bag a sinking feeling settling.

The turn took her to a more isolated neighborhood near a park and a lake, she kept walking until she heard a growl. She kept on walking, going to the park which was alone, and tried to go as deep as she could so that no human would walk during the confrontation. She froze. There was no way she could be hearing the same growl she had not heard for the past 2,000 years. She cursed under her breath, as she prepared herself to fight the monster, glad that the sun was setting. She saw the beast before it could spot her, a creature resembling a lion but with a scorpion-like tail.

She tried to conjure her power since she had no weapons on her. Soon enough the Deviant spotted her and charged at her she waited for the right moment to charge. She did a motion with her hands, putting them in front of her and raising them, as she did so a silver aura surrounded the Deviant which now levitated. Now she slammed her arms down, the monster slammed so hard against the concrete that it left a crater, it tried to stand up the blow disorienting it.

That gave her enough time to spot the lake behind the creature, trying to control the water. As the creature stood up she made a motion with her arms, the water now lifted the Deviants and sent it into the water. It trashed and tried to break into the surface. It had been a while since she had conjured her powers this much, it was tiring her out quickly. That's why she felt her grip slip and the monster came shooting out of the water, in seconds it was in front of Metzi. It attacked her, she dodge it, she was keeping an eye on the tail. She had to try something else, she will eventually be too tired to dodge the creature's attack. Taking a shaky breath she concentrated, she tried to grab hold of the creature with her telekinesis, it was successful the creature could not move it was frozen.

The excitement distracted her for a few seconds, which was enough for the creature's tail to slam against her sending her flying and hitting a tree hard. She winced, she got lucky the creature had not stung her, but the impact still hurt like hell. Now she was frustrated, she got up quickly and took hold of the creature, she looked at it.

"You should be dead." She exclaimed, cleary exasperated. Her hands were in front of her, she twisted one of her hands and she could hear a snap. She let the creature go and it sank to the floor, motionless.

Metzi fell to her knees, she was fatigued even with the moon visibly it took a toll on her. She gave herself a few minutes to regain herself, before standing up. Making her way to spot her bag and go back to her apartment. She spotted her bag, she prayed that her phone was intact as she took it out. Relief washed over her as she saw that her phone had not a single scratch, she dialed Ajak's number, calling her back again and again. Ajak never picked up. That made her worry.

Opening her apartment's door she decided on calling Sersi. She knew that Sersi also kept tabs on Ajak from time to time. She heard the phone ringing, but it sent her to voicemail. She redacted a text message: "I think something's wrong. Call me as soon as you can, please." And sent it.

Metzi's torso still hurt, as she took a shower trying hard not to move too much. Afterward, she decided to get into bed, her body, as well as her mind, were worn out. As soon as her head hit the pillow she fell asleep, not waking up even as her phone vibrated signaling that she had received a new message.


a/n: idk how to feel abt this but it is more of a filler chapter. also I am new with writing action scenes so I'm conflicted. dw next one will be the reunion wuuu, but this one was getting long so I decided to divide it.

btw thank y'all so much for reading, ik 150 reads are not much but it is for me SO I LOVE Y'ALL.

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