Caxtolli once

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Metzi had not figured what Druig had been thinking while he was looking around her apartment, specifically her room. She did not want to pry although it was also because she would rather not know the answer in case it was something bad.

Now they were laying in bed, they had been too tired to cook something and their tiredness overpowered their hunger. Druig had his eyes closed, sleeping. On the other hand, Metzi had not been able to fall asleep regardless of how fatigued her body and mind felt. She had been lying awake for the past hour, studying and memorizing the cracks of her apartment's ceiling.

"Go to sleep." Druig mumbled sleepily, startling her to death.

"For fucks sake." She said to herself. Putting a hand on her chest feeling her heart calm down.

"Everything okay?" He sounded concerned. He scooted closer to her, Metzi could feel the heat radiating from his body underneath the sheets.

She hummed. "Just thinking."


She turned to look at him, he had his face turned to her. His eyes were half-open, filled with sleepiness. Even in his drowsy state, he gave her a smile that made her melt. She then felt one of his arms wrap around her torso, pulling her closer to him, laying his head against her shoulder.

"What were you thinking when you saw my room?" She whispered, for a moment she thought she had spoken so softly that Druig hadn't heard her.

"How messy it was." He chuckled. Metzi shook her head, she knew he was trying to lighten her anxiety.

"Dru, seriously."

"Nothing wrong. I guess it just surprised me to see this part of your life. A part I was not there for, that I missed. For a moment I panicked that I didn't know you anymore. That we wouldn't fit together." He finally admitted his fear. Although it was momentarily, it had choked him the realization that she could be this stranger even when he felt like she felt familiar.

Metzi was silent for a moment. She understood she had also been scared the first time she was reunited not only with Druig but the rest of the Eternals. Has she changed so much that it would disrupt the dynamic they once had? Relief had flooded her when she realized she had been overthinking it.

"You know you don't have to worry about that. We've grown and learned but that doesn't make us strangers." She turned to her side, resting her hand on Druig's cheek, with her thumb she caressed his cheek comfortingly. "You still know me better than I know myself. Even if your superpowers do give you the upper hand. " She gave him a small grin signaling that she was joking.

"It does help to be able to control and read people's minds." He grabbed Metzi's hand that was on his cheek, moving his head sideways to kiss her palm. "We should try to get some sleep. It has been a rough couple of days."

"You don't have to tell me. My body is paying for it." She groaned.

Druig's reassurance helped her ease her mind and anxiety. Druig still had his arm wrapped around her waist, as he pulled her closer she pulled her hand back from his cheek and cuddled against his chest. His heartbeat and warmth were so familiar it helped her finally fall asleep.

Metzi had been so used to living together that she had to adapt her routine to fit Druig's or at least get accustomed to his. They had also created a routine of going for a run together. Even with no more Deviants or Celestials, they wanted to keep in shape in case something unexpected arose, and being New York Metzi knew it was bound to happen sooner or later.

The worst part of Druig's daily routine, for her, was that he was an early riser. Plus it didn't help that Metzi was a light sleeper, so even if Druig tried to be as quiet as possible there was something, either the creak of the door when he closed it or the shift of his weight.

When he saw Metzi shift and wake up because of him, he looked at her with a guilty face. It made Metzi's heart jump, she always reassured him that it was okay and not his fault. Even when she hated his early routine she had told him that it was okay, to not worry about her.

During the last week she had tried to put her old life back on track. She went to talk to her boss to talk about why she had skipped work and had only sent a text message. Fortunately for her, her boss accepted her apology and believed her "family-related problem" excuse. So, she didn't have to scout for a new job.

Druig would sometimes visit her at the bookstore, rummaging through the aisles to kill time until her shift was over. Metzi had tried to hint subtly at Druig to find a job or at least do something else than just stay in, though she did not want to pressure him too much. It was not because she didn't want him in her apartment or to spend time with him, it was more that she did not want him to grow bored or relentless.

Reluctantly he caved in and started looking for a job. Reading the newspaper's section but also, after Metzi gave him a quick Internet and Tech tutorial, scouring the internet. In the end, he ended up finding a place to volunteer to help people that had been affected by the Blip. And it was within walking distance of the apartment.

Metzi was relieved that he found something to do, to give meaning to his days. She knew he was going to enjoy it. He had always loved helping people out, and this was exactly that. Even if he was reluctant she made him promise that he would try it at least for two weeks and then if he did not like it at all he could quit.

When he came back on Friday, his first-week volunteering completed, she asked him how it went. She was on the kitchen table, laptop in front of her completing the inventory of all the new books the bookstore had received this month. He served himself some water, and drank as he leaned against the counter looking at her work.

"Better than I expected."

"I'm glad, Dru." She smiled at him, closing her laptop as she finished the inventory. She never pointed it out, but every night he came back with a smile on, he looked satisfied.

Druig shook his head. "You are glad that you were right and that I am enjoying myself, even when I was hesitant at first." As he said that he was walking towards her, he leaned to her and pecked her lips.

"What can I say, I love being right." She raised and dropped her shoulders. Druig hummed.

"Let's go to bed." He grabbed her hand and tugged her towards their room, assaulting her face and neck with soft pecks, guiding her to their bed.

Little by little, the apartment did not seem or feel like only Metzi's, now it was more evident that they both lived there and that it was their home. The apartment was still filled with books, but now it was Druig's and Metzi's. Metzi had also given Druig the liberty of adding decor to the apartment. The clutter had now Druig's stuff, and now Druig could navigate through it without having to ask Metzi for help.

They were excited for their future together, everything that they had in store. They had managed to make this little apartment into their home, they could only imagine what they could do in the future.

It was the best feeling. They were in synch once again, even if at first their routines were different they had made it work. It was like they had never lost contact with each other. It had come easily for both of them. Each night they laid together, in each other's embrace. After everything they had come together again, they had become, once again, each other's home. And finally, they were together like they had always been destined to be.


a/n: so this is the end of this story. this was my second story ever so if it's a little over the place apologies but I just needed to do a druig fanfic lmao. i am thinking of doing another druig fanfic but w/another storyline ofc, so follow me if you want to know when I post that. anyway thank you so much for 6k reads and for the votes, honestly thank you sm for reading my story <3 love yall, stay safe and ily.

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