Mahtlactli omome

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Makkari scouted the globe to pinpoint the exact location of the epicenter of the emergence. There have been some natural disasters around the world, which could be explained by the start of the emergence.

It only took a couple of minutes before Makkari came back, and told them where the center of the emergence was. They programmed the Domo to take them to the location. The tension inside the ship was palpable. Not only because of the high stakes they were facing, Metzi and Druig haven't talked since their argument in front of all of them. Neither would double down on their pride.

Metzi was looking out from the window, her position taking her back to the first day when they arrived at Earth. Looking out, she could see the landscapes change fast, they passed through forests, coastlines, and islands. No matter how much time she had been living on Earth, the view always took her breath away. She's traveled all over the world, and it still surprised her how beautiful it all was.

Finally, the ship stopped. All she could see was a rocky landscape and a little far from them a volcano. Metzi was preparing herself mentally to step out of the ship. Phastos was making the last arrangements to his invention, which he called a prototype, not a very endearing term, but with time against them, they would have to settle.

As the Domo's door opened, Metzi wanted to observe the landscape up close. Before it landed completely, she used her powers to fly off the ship, landing gracefully. It was rocky, but there was a coast nearby, the rocks converted into sand and opposite to the ocean there was a volcano. Now that she was closer, she could see that the volcano was stirring up, smoke coming out from the mouth of the volcano. Soon enough, the rest of the Eternals joined her.

"Are we sure this is going to work?" Asked a very worried Kingo.

"I sure hope so because if it doesn't then..." Metzi started talking, but soon Druig elbowed her subtly. He glared at her as he looked at Phastos. She retracted herself and kept quiet as they went over their plan.

They all had what looked like a bracelet on their wrists, which according to Phastos would connect them when Druig was near the Celestial to put him to sleep. Meanwhile, the rest had to keep an eye out for Ikaris and Sprite, and distract them long enough for Druig to get close to the Celestial.

As Sersi finished her pep talk, Metzi tensed up, feeling a pit in her stomach.

"What's wrong?" Druig was still beside her, and he noticed her demeanor change.

"They are here."

Just a few steps from them, they appeared, Ikaris and Sprite, side by side. Kingo, Thena and Metzi prepared themselves to attack if it was necessary. Ikaris had an overbearing look on his face like he was looking down at them, picking them apart.

"Ikaris, stop this. It is insane." Sersi tried one last time. It was hard for her, she had loved Ikaris, and now he had turned against them, against her.

"I'm just following the mission, our mission. Finish what we started."

"Are you willing to fight us, then?" Thena said, it was hard to read her, she always had the best poker face.

"Whatever it takes." He says, he opens up his arms beside him, levitating. Before he could take off, Makkari had slammed against him, Ikaris was taken by surprise which made him lose his concentration.

As he regained his composure, he seemed riled up, fuming. He locked eyes with Druig, and looked over at Sprite, who hadn't moved, nodding at her. Metzi stepped in front of Druig, ready to protect him.

"Go!" She exclaimed, as she saw Ikaris take flight again and Sprite disappeared. Druig ran towards the volcano.

Kingo and Thena had Sprite under control, trying to guess Sprite's next move as she disappeared and appeared, taunting them. Sersi had gone after Druig, it was better than him being on his own. Metzi, on the other hand, had to deal with Ikaris. She met him halfway, lifting herself up to where he was. Her daggers were already out and ready to be used. Ikaris saw her, cocking his head sideways, his eyes started to glow indicating he was going to use his powers. Metzi dodged his attack and she charged at him. Slashing her daggers at him, using them to block his lasers and dodge his attacks.

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